Chapter 6

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Hi, if you are new to this story, then please let me inform you: this story was started in 2015 and under the guidance of only one book and my overactive imagination. The results aren't good (check the apolagies chapter at the end if you wanna see it for yourself, a list of all the bad things I noticed recently about this book) and therefore I am currently rewriting this, hopefully making it a lot better. Still, I'm letting this stay here for a while for people to have a slight notion of what I tried to achieve those years ago and what I'm gonna improve on now. Leave your feedback if you want, it means the world to me, and hum...happy reading? *dies of cringe*

First came the terror. Then the angriness. The last one was the sadness.

As I stood on the ground, dirt covering my hair, my arms streached out on the sides, once that all the terror switchesed with silence. Of course that there was no real silence, but my mind and ears decided that it would be better to leave the noise out for a little moment. There was only this really loud ringing, like when you are in such a silent place that you can hear a ringing, wich problably is just a sound made by your ears to tell you that you are alive.

I gazed up to the sky. Beautyfull and fake. I swear that days passed by on that moment.
My little peace moment was soon turned off when I felt hands on my arms, shoulders, legs.

The noise, it came back along with the sad reality that I called life.
I could hear my heavy breathing, it reminded me of those heros that took bullets to their bodys and started to bleed way too much that I saw on problably the only couple of movies. That I ever saw on my life. My best friend liked them, they were his favourites. I didn't hated them, I just always prefered to see those documentarys where they talked about how life was before this, how the animals reacted to nature or what could possibly be new in this genaration.

Overboards? That's funny.

I was being dragged somewhere, people screaming something about calling Jeff.

Who the heck is Jeff?

I wanted to scream, I really did, but the efect of the liquid would only disapear in some hours, so I just took the blame, swolled the lump in my throat and decided to keep atention to what was going on around me.
I was carried into the wooden shack again, but this time they led me to a door that I hadn't seen.

"Hey, Jeff! Come see the girl we talked about, she hit her head, she might have a concussion!" Some asian looking guy said.
A concussion? Was that why my head was feeling so dizzy just some moments ago? I mean, I did fell hard on the floor thanks to Jul, and I was putting my trust into maybe a scrapped knee, but I was not hoping for a concussion.
I was trying to just ignore the fact that a bunch of strangers were just carrying me, while staying positive and not making eye contact with anyone, trying not to feel uneasy because of the awkwardness that I was feeling.

My eyes were most likely staring at the ceiling when I saw two fingers snap right in front of them, and I guess that it was supose for me to react to it, because after I kept my eyes still even after another atempt to get my atention, someone gave me a somewhat strong slap in the face, so I just decided that bolting up and shout some ugly ones was a good idea. Yeah...

My voice was caput, and my head began to spin in a horrible way.
"Whoa! Slow down and lay back, you hit your head, you will be dizzy and-"
I did not let him finish, because I got out of the bed and quickly leaned my head into a bucket, while my stomach emptied itself.
Most of the people around me were disgusted, and I couldn't blame them, I just puked on a freaking basket.

"Thats enough, come on people, move out!" The blonde boy said, while trowing some people out of the room.
Some made sure to be the first ones to get out, others were disapointed.
Jeff made sure that I was in bed again before giving me a piece of cloth for me to wipe my mouth, and remembered to also move the bucket a little closer just in case.
In the end, I was left with Jeff, the asian looking boy and the blonde one.
I could see a scratch on the blonde's face and almost claw marks on his neck. Gally really tried to keep up, didn't he?

They were all facing me, staring, and not saying a word. My eyes were drifting everywhere, or looking around, or at the floor, or just flickering up to meet their gazes for split seconds before going back to do the other two.

"Alright, lets start and make this very clear." The blonde boy said, brown eyes staring without even flickering." I have no shucking clue of what is going on, I don't know what Alby wants to do with you, but we need bloody answers, because we have been working our butts off day after day, for years, trying to get to a bloody solution and go home. So, we need those answers, right now."

I stared at him, knowing that I couldn't do anything else.
His eyes were like rocks, unmovable, and they sure revealed that he had alredy suffered quite a bit. Nobody that is happy can have such hatred in just one look.
Well obviously that thet all around here had suffered, and they sure as hell weren't happy.
But for some reason, I had the feeling that there was something that said that he had no intensions of harming me.
After what looked like one minute of staring, I gave up and broke the eye contact, showing them that I actually could be weak.
I believe I didn't tried to hide the fact that I was scared and that I had no idea of what to do since I entered the Glade.

I slowly made my way out of the bed again, shaking and stumbling a little due to headaches.
There was a board in there. I grabbed the first pen that came in handy and started to write easy letters across it.

My name is Pamela.

They had blank expressions, not really caring about that bit.
"I'm Minho, and this shank is Newt. And that over there is Jeff, he basically patches you up if you need it."
I looked around, with a expression that was more likely saying 'right'. Nobody said anything more after that, so I just turned around and continued with my writing.

I can't speak right now, but I would like to tell you that I don't know nothing. Sorta.

They looked at me with a mix of angriness and confusion, it could have been funny in other situacion but it was not really the case.

"Stop shucking around, we know you have some information." Minho said, crossing his arms." You take a look around."

He stepped closer, while pointing at me.

"You know something, and we, we are not a bunch of klunk heads, and people don't show up in the Maze out or nowhere, much less girls, with freaking Grievers in their backs. "

I turned around and tried to make my point, even if it wasn't that easy.

Look, I can't tell you. I am sorry.

"Bullshit! If you were, you would give us the answers!" He was making sure that his emotions were really clear.
I putted the pen down, making sure that they would all understand that our 'conversation' was over.
Minho shook his head, before turning around and making his way out of the room, but before whispering something to Jeff before walking out. I was pretty sure that I heard him say something among the lines of 'don't let her get out' and for him to check my head again.

I was just watching him leave while Jeff went somewhere to get problably some medicine when I remembered that I still had a pair of eyes looking curiosly at me. The brown ones.
I turned my head to his way, but just looked down at his feet like if I was with my mind somewhere before locking eyes with him again.

Quit staring, it is making me shiver.
He blinked a few times, before smiling a little. I just looked away, maybe being a little rude or so, but I didn't really cared.

"I was kinda of thinking about saying something reassuring but I will just make it simple: we are not bloody screwing around, we need answers, and some shanks will try to get them even if it hurts you, so you better watch your back."
I turned to him, not with an angry intention, but more like one that meant that I was almost ofended by that, before grabbing the pen again.

That's... really reassuring, thank you, I guess.

He just shrugged his shoulders, also moving to the door, while saying something more to himself.
"Bloody hell, why do we need a girl in here..."

Should I be ofended? Or should I realize that there was something behind his words that made it clear he was kinda of happy about it?

(OLD VERSION, NEW VERSION'S OUT)The Grievers Master Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now