Chapter 3

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Hi, if you are new to this story, then please let me inform you: this story was started in 2015 and under the guidance of only one book and my overactive imagination. The results aren't good (check the apolagies chapter at the end if you wanna see it for yourself, a list of all the bad things I noticed recently about this book) and therefore I am currently rewriting this, hopefully making it a lot better. Still, I'm letting this stay here for a while for people to have a slight notion of what I tried to achieve those years ago and what I'm gonna improve on now. Leave your feedback if you want, it means the world to me, and hum...happy reading? *dies of cringe*

I was at full speed. If Ava discovered that the Grievers weren't working properly, she would kill me.
I made Jul stop and I jumped to the ground, right beside one of the Grievers.

I took out a screwdriver from a very small tool box, that was permanently equiped on Jul's torso, so that I could exchange the MRS for the new one.
The tool box only had a couple of screwdrivers, wrenches, some extra wires and little cables, a small hammer and some bolts.

It took me some minutes, but it stood up and threatned to kill me, wich was a good sign. I guess.
Of course that it realized that I was its programer, thanks to my "employee card", that had a special ship in it. It is something really small that is under my skin, in my left arm. You can totally see it if you look carefully.
I got up on Jul again and moved to the next red glowing point that was shown in my watch.

Bless my watch, it came from heaven.

The second Griever was in a funny position: it problably was going to start to climb a wall, so he had its legs stuck on the wall and was in a vertical position, looking like it was defeating gravity. Or at least, Newton's theory. It was quite boring, if you think of it.

I laughed at how stupid it looked like, even though the mess where I was wasn't funny at all.
It was a little hard to get to its controll box, but after some long ten minutes, and with some help of Jul, I managed to get it back to the ground.

"Looks like Newton was right after all." I patted the machine body "and looks like you can't prove it wrong either."
Getting the next six ones was easy. I had plenty of time, so I wasn't worried about it.

Just two Grievers left.

The next one was in a tricky zone. It was really near from one of the sections, so I had to be more precaucious, because there were way more ways to get lost and the conection in there to the WCKD base was very low, so if I lost conection to the maps, I had to use my senses, even though I was quite good at picking the right paths.

I forced Jul to slow down, the paths and hallways were smaller and thighter in there, so it couldn't just ran on them so easly.
Now that I though of it, those were some things that I could change when I had time to.

The way that Jul walked reminded me of one time when I rode a horse.
I can't really record what happened that day, I was very little, problably four or five years old, but people told me was that someone had found an injured horse somewhere and decided to take it in. I also remember the other children playing with it too, and for fact I knew that those kids were now the people that worked and were studied in the labs too.

I don't recall to ever had meet any of the teens in the Glade. Most of them were alredy in the WCKD company even before I was born.

It makes me wonder what they are feeling and what goes on those heads and I couldn't help but realise how much they reminded me of mice in a box. Just desperatly searching for a way out of a maze with no solution.
But what makes me think the most is when will Dr. Ava end with this charade and what will she do to them.
I sighed and looked foward, trying not to think too much.
I had a job to do, that was for sure.
The maze walls looked a little scary, especially with all the shadows, and I was pretty sure that If one of the Grievers jumped out of any of those corners, I would problably scream and fall out of Jul, so I was alredy preparing to that case scenario.
Everything was quite and peacefull.

Until some sounds started to catch up to my hears.
Rock agains rock, dust spreading trough the air, ivy and leaves being ripped off.

Oh no.

The maze was changing.

I tried to keep calm, once that the though of those walls closing on me made my heart skip a beat.

I'm sure that if anyone saw me, they would try to stop it for some hours, but the moviment of the walls was no longer controlled by human hands, once that it became such a regular patern that the employees just came to an agreement that they weren't needed in that area anymore and built a sistem to operate them.

"Jul, go faster. We need to end this FAST."

The fastened moviment of the Griever made me feel better for some minutes.
Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about the walls after all.
But the sudden movement in front of me changed my mind.
I quickly changed route, making Jul jump from a place to the other. I felt myself slide a bit as well, but I took another position quickly.

Quick enough, Jul was running the fastest that it could trough those tinny halls.

My mind and heart were racing, and the panic had settled at a level that made me wonder really bad on what to do next.
There was dust enough in the air to make everything seem cloudy.
I would jump whenever a leaf fell on my hair, and the sound was so loud that I could feel my heart beat pounding on my hears and head.

I was terrifyed. I had completly forgot about the Grievers and I only wished that I hadn't been stupid enough to remember how dangerous it was to go out in the Maze when the walls were moving.

"I'm going to die here." The thought came numerous times to my mind, but even so, I tried to push it away for some seconds before it appeared again.

The whole thing reminded me of a war, or of a chase where the prey was being followed by an unknown enemie.
Even so, the though of almost getting killed by something that doesn't even moves by itself makes me want to laught at how stupid it sounds.
And still, there was I, scared for my life because of some moving walls.
I finally got to a open space, and I felt like there was a way out after all.

But I was wrong, because right after that, the floor begame to move, giving me the impression that there was an earthquake going on.
And then for my surprise, the floor opened gaps and Jul had no other choice than to start jumping from what was left of the floor like a doe running away.
There was an entrance somewhere in a distance.

And it was hard to believe, but Jul almost got away with the holes in the ground, but somewhere over the way, it's legs got caught in one of the gaps, making it stumble and fall.

And as it did, I fell as well, and went rowling on the scarred floor some feet away from it.
I felt myself miss the ground beneath me a little after, and I tried to grab the headges of the hole, but to no effort.
The next thing that I knew, I was laying on the hard floor of a six feet hole.

I wasn't hurt, but I was pretty much trapped in there.
Jul was not there, it was dark and I was afraid.
The only thing that I could see was the fake sky above me.
I imediatly reached for my wrist.

My watch.
It was broken. Dam it.

I slided trough the wall, and sat on the floor.
First came the ideas for an escape plan.
Then the bad ambience.
And then came the tears.
I wasn't sobbing, just letting the tears fall.
I know what would happen.
Ava wouldn't want the Gladers to find me. So, problaly Peter or Dave will give me in. And I would be really, really screwed up.

I brought my knees to my chest and looked at the sky yet again.
There were stars. Shinny and tinny, in the dark blue uper world.
It was trully beautifull. I didn't care if it was fake, because I never realised that I could have waited a minute looking at it on the last time that I had visited the maze.

I began to hum a song. I hate the extreme silence. It was something that my mom sang to me when I was little. I rarely see her now. She is always stuffed in her job.
I took out my jackect and turned it into a small ball. I needed something that could at least resemble a pillow.
I layed down and curled up a little.
I almost could feel Ava glaring at me, even though that the zone had no Beetle Blades.

I was just hopping that someone from the lab would notice me or that I could get out of there soon.
A dark hole wasn't proprially my favorite place to be.

(OLD VERSION, NEW VERSION'S OUT)The Grievers Master Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now