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Oh GOD, I forgot this existed, hum....

A lot of you probably are wondering why still bother clicking on this update, and a few might actually be happy that I'm reaching out (I hope...) but here's what I have to say:

This story makes me cringe.

I wrote this in the beginning of 2015, and not only is this filled with romantic clichês, but the personalities are so forced and out of character I find it horrible. Besides, there are:

-a ton of grammar mistakes;
- spelling mistakes (yes, I did think that basically was 'basacly' at one point in life);
- poor story development;
- a main character that is just...standing there, and almost a complete Mary Sue;
- a love interest with no reason to be interested, like come on, I know it's a girl in the middle of 50 boys, but really? That's not a great reason;
- the smallest chapters in history (COME ON, 900-1200 WORDS?? I WRITE 5000 NOW)
- My old, poorly descriptive and vague writing style;
- a lack of logic;
- a tragedy in the past that was barely touched upon and that doesn't seem all that important;
- stupid cliffhangers and the need to end the chapters with an affirmation;
-the fact that I was going to do something that now I hate to do such as following the original plot and time line to the nitty gritty;
-there was so much that I wanted to talk about, create and write that I never even got out;
- a good idea that I liked and still do and that I vaguely threw away a long time ago after giving up on this.

So yeah, those are my reasons.
Why am I touching this subject now?

Cause damn it, I watched the third movie of The Maze Runner yesterday and I'm still digesting it, so now I'm sitting here, remembering my baby's death and how much I used to love these books.

So, basically, it means that I'm up for a revamp.

Do you think that it would be a good idea to re-write this story, now with a better tought-out plot, better writing and a better use of characters?

Because I will grab the damn Maze Runner book again, read it for the 8th time (I haven't read it in a long, long time, so it's okay) and take new notes on what's important and give this the proper right to call it a 'maze runner fanfic'.

...besides, since the new movie came out, people are more likely to go look for fanfics and I do miss the feeling of writing this story and having people telling me that they like this or that T.T don't judge me, I'm stressed sometimes.

Anyway, I just wanted to hear your opinions.
Should I give this story a second and better chance? Would you enjoy reading it again?

(OLD VERSION, NEW VERSION'S OUT)The Grievers Master Maze Runner FanficWhere stories live. Discover now