Chapter 11: Fatal

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No phones. No friends. No help. Just us. God sure does have a sense of humor  after everything this boy had said to me.  We were STUCK together. I was starting to think that maybe I deserved it, he did have a point. Ever since I stepped out of Calvin's car I had been nothing but trouble to everyone. I guess this was the universes way of giving me a dose of my own medicine. Even though he'd apologized I was still bitter about the whole thing.                        

Marques room wasn't the biggest but it was still comfortable, decorated in white walls and wooden falls it seemed much older than he was. It had a very grown feeling about it.  I could tell he kept it neat, nothing was out of place, the stereo and the TV where even tidily mounted to the wall whilst the bed was only disheveled by our prints from sitting on it. However I still couldn't fine my bag. There was no where to look expect in the wardrobe and under the bed, I had searched the entire room and still nothing.

"I just don't understand you " he sat on the mini coach in the corner and smirked

"what?" I turned from snooping to face him

"One minute your all sweet and flirty the next your as straight up..bitc...I mean hard-ass, seriously whats the matter with you" he laughed 

"how do you really expect me to respond to a misogynist?" I sat on the bed to face him 

"Misogynist? and how did you come to that conclusion ma" his smirk grew

" Well for one look at how you treat Erica. It's like she's a bad taste in you mouth, and judging from how you spoke to me before I'm sure I'm right. Lets not forget how you loooove the b word"

His topless body moved to sit next to me on the bed once again.

"Well Jay you have it all wrong, Erica is Erica; she one of those people I just prefer not to around. But trust me it's best for everyone one that way. And as for you, I already said I was sorry. What more do you want? I even gave you my shirt."

"I've met guys like you and its never good news"

"Guys like me huh? and what type of guys are they" he licked his lips

"The athletic popular boy who gets everything he wants, all the girls, the clothes" I looked down at the shirt he gave me "the type who just sit and has everything handed to him"

"And I've run through plenty of your type too ma'" he smiled

"and what type is that Christian" I was curious 

"You know it's Christopher, stop playin', but for real a spoilt daddy's girl like you who's angry at the world- come a dime a dozen round here, all that's missing is a jerk boyfriend" he laid back on the bed happy with himself.

" And what makes you think I don't I have one of those Christian?"

"For one, if I was your man I wouldn't let you wear that outfit for anyone but me. And you did have a man you wouldn't be starring at me all the time" He sat up again to look at my responses. I was shocked and caught off guard, he was right about everything.

"I don't stare.. just observant," I broke the small connection and stood up, he stood up with me.

"You know what I observed," he was taking me out of my comfort zone, I had to step back. "How you close up every time your around me"

"I-I don't close up" I stammered.

"How you race for words when you speak to me," he said as I took another small step back into the love seat, he filled in the space between us. "How observant you aren't,"

He tucked my hair behind my ear. "Don't be afraid of me,"

"I'm not," I said softly as he caressed my face. I thought he whispered Good, but I got lost in his kiss. It was gentle, then it was hard like he wanted to kiss me forever. I melted against him, I heard him breathe, taking my breath away. I squeezed his bare chest, taking in his scent......he grunted

"I've wanted you from day one," he let me breathe, my face flushed. "Did you observe that?"

My breathing was dissipated and I could tell he just wanted to suck me in again. It felt like the butterflies in my stomach grew at that very moment looking into his eyes.

Even though I was almost dying to feel his lips against mine again, I had to stop myself.

"What are we doing" my voice was weak 

"This" he leaded in again... his lips were so soft, his tongue so smooth and tasty, I nearly melt on the spot. As the kiss deepened I felt his hands explore the inside of my top and I almost lost it. I had to.....STOP.

"Wait..." I tore our faces apart "we shouldn't be doing this, not now"

"I thought you weren't afraid" 

"I-I'm not afraid. There's should know." he sat up giving my room to breathe. "earlier I-I was with Q...and we.."

"Jay I don't care, I want you here now. Fuck earlier. This feels right "

"I just don't want to be 'that girl'..I don't want to be the girl known know" my voice was small and weak 

"For what? Kissing me?" he laughed at me "I can't be that bad ma"

"I've never had it like this. I've never been part of this world, with friends and.... parties. Its always just been me moving from town to town I don't want to spoil it Chris...I've never had someone like a sister...I don't want to upset her" I put my head on his shoulder, I had to stop starring at him "My grams was really sick all the time and even though we had the money, I wasn't a legally adult so I couldn't look after her. I ended up just being past around to distant relatives who'd use me to get to my father. When I turned 16 I could finally do something, I convinced my father to buy  me and grams a house on the condition that I would finish school with straight A's. My father literally just left me all alone whilst he flew around America fucking endless women. He was literally just a bank." I turn to look at him and could make out the expression on his face. "I'm sorry if I'm boring you...I should have said anything"

"Your not the only one with a dead beat Dad, mine divorced my mom for every penny she had after beating on her for 5 years. And all I did was watch whilst that man took everything from us" He let out a sigh. He spoke every word so distantly like it didn't affect him, like he was talking about someone else.

"At least your Mom stuck around. Mine left me the minute I was born." I wasn't sad in saying this just a little angry. "She decided to she wanted to be just like my father, drenched in money and child-free." I laughed a little.

"Mrs Tasha aint that bad, I mean she was around for everything that happened with my moms... she was the won who help us get back on our feet...if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be writing college essay's, I'd prolly be on a street corner somewhere hustling"

"wow...a pretty boy like you hustling? " I laughed trying to lighten the mood

"So you think I'm pretty huh?"

"Maybe just a little bit.." 

"Come here..." He said in a low sexy voice. Suddenly I was paralyzed."Just relax..." he whispered in my ear whilst kissing my neck.  I could barely breathe, the motion of his lips on my neck almost sent my over the edge, I tried not to moan. 

He could feel my desire and finally kissed me on the lips... soft and long. Laying my down on the coach the kiss deepened and I felt his pants grow on top of me. 

Even though he was irresistible, the plan was never to sleep with him...I was scared... this was dangerous new territory. 

Suddenly the music got louder and before we could stop the door was open.

"Hey Jay... I just to check if..Ohhhh damn" Q walked into his room shocked to find his bestfriend on top of me.

Not knowing what to do I pushed Chris's topless body off on me and stood up.

"'s not what it looks like" I stuttered awkwardly looking at Chris.

"Ummm Erica wanted me to ask you if you were ready to go home, Ariane is to drunk to drive and a they've got a cab waiting downstairs"

Without another word I left.

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