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How the hell was I suppose to live that moment down. That WAS officially the worst moment of my entire life. For some reason I thought hiding under my pillow would flush the memories away. I was wrong. Dinner was a complete and utter fiasco; aside from my ‘nude entry’ the sheer level of awkwardness at the table was overwhelming. Apart from the sound of plates and cutlery conversing we ate in painful, murdering silence. I for one was too embarrassed to speak and tried to avoid eye contact with anyone at that table, after dinner, I excused myself and escaped to my room. Just as I was getting grips with my persona as the local predatory mute Erica stomped in , burning my eyes as she let the light in from the hall way.

“Well that wasn’t awkward” she sighs

 I groan further deepening my face into the pillow. She turned on the lights as I tried to adjust to the brightness.

“Oh please you got away easy....we had to clear the table”

“I’m so sorry; I just don’t know what wrong with me...I can’t believe... I...” before I finished the sentence I dived back into my pillow.

I felt the bed sink by legs as Erica sat.

“Don’t sweat it, it’s nothing major, it’s just Q and Chris, I’m sure they’ve seen worst” she laughs

“Erica it’s not even funny I’ve literally exposed myself in front of two strangers, I wonder what they must think of me” I turned to face her

“Nothing... they think nothing of you, no one does” she rolled eyes as were face to face on the bed.

“Excuse me?!” I was shocked. Was she looking for a slap?

“Argghh, look, the world doesn’t revolve around you. From what I gather you’ve been nothing but a pain in the ass since you got here. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove but the world doesn’t owe you anything. Aunt Tash is good people. What exactly is yo problem?”

“I’m not trying to prove anything, and trust me Tasha is far from good. What woman abandons her daughter?”

“Give her a chance” she let out a breathe and had a very sincere look on her face

“One summer won’t change all the shit she’s done”

“I know but just try won’t regret it... trust me what’s the worst that could happen? “She smiled and I felt a connection.

“Okay she’s got two weeks to prove herself” I rolled my eyes

“Well then that’s settled get some rest we’ve got a long day tomorrow....”


 Nothing and I mean nothing could make my eyes leave that perfect specimen of a man. His body spoke absolute volumes and I was all ears. I wanted him more than people in hell wanted ice water. Too bad I did have chance after our awful introduction.

Chris stood on the far side of the basketball court, holding his knees and breathing deeply as to catch his breath. That game was intense. I couldn't break my gaze for even a second. All I wanted was to be the towel that ran across his sexy, defined jaw or the water bottle that pressed tightly against his lips. I had to remind myself not to get too excited out here or I might catch a heat stroke. I contemplated walking over there and telling him how much I wanted to just jump his bones right here in the middle of this basketball court. The things I would do to him. I was almost full engrossed in my day dream when Erica snapped me back reality.

“Jenny? Jenny? Are you okay?” she literally had to shake me for me to come back to reality.

“huh? Yeah... errm I’m good, I was just dreaming”

“Well Chris is coming over right now so this is your chance to make up for last night” Erica said fixing her hair as we sat on the hood of her car near the basketball court.

“WHAT?!?”  I want prepared for this!

“Quick! look his coming over”

“Erica?” he seemed surprised to see her

“Hey Chris...good game”

“Thanks...errm what are you doing here? Come to distract the player again?” he let out a little laugh. The sweet sound of his voice almost made my body convulse

“Well I can’t help being this fine... where’s Q?” she said seductively biting her lip. I could literally cut the sexual tension with a knife.

“His ain’t getting her till 4 or sum’m. Is your cousin always this quiet?“ He said looking at me. Maybe it was his gaze or the sheer heat of that day, but I was sure my skin was on fire.

 “Why don’t you ask her?” she said as she walked away towards the other players, knew what she was doing when she put on that tight ass skirt. I looked over at Chris who had his eye firmly fixed on her thighs. Typical. As she walked away, she blew Chris kisses and smiled a devilish grin as she swung her hips.

“So Miss Jenny James, are you always this quiet?” he faced me on the car hood. I couldn’t believe he remembered my name. My name! Oh sweet Jesus this was it sounded so beautiful coming from his perfect pink lips.

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