Just right

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I snapped out of my thought.


"So what do you want to do until bullet performs?" Matt asked looking at me.

"Alex always packed board games for us when we would have to wait so we'd play them like sorry, monopoly, twister, or card games and we have an Xbox and PS3 in the lounge so we can play those" I said still a bit dazed.


I stared at Angie as she stared into blank space.

I shouldn't have said what I said earlier, I wouldn't want to meet him, it had to be that because after I said that she sort of just blanked it, I'm sure it wasn't the whole the show wasn't gonna start until later part.

"Are you okay?" I asked she looked at me looking a bit confused.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said looking away from me.

"No you're not, I can tell" I said.

I've grown up with mostly my mum and sisters, when I wasn't with my dad or friend then I was with my mum and sisters which cause me to learn a bit more about them and woman in general. I knew she wasn't okay because I've seen this look in my sisters eyes before.

"What do you mean?" She asked looking back at me.

"Something is wrong, is it something that I said or what is it? It must've been something I said"

She stood up and lean against the wall.

"Look, I realized that I'm looking for a long term relationship and I would understand if you left right now because honestly I'm ready to have a family and marriage, which is sort of weird for you because we barely got into a relationship just today, so I would totally understand if you left now and we just became friends again" she said.

It was quiet for a solid minute. Neither of us looked at each other.

I wanted marriage and a family someday but never found the right woman, and I think I just did.

I stood up and walked towards her and grabbed her hands and stood right in front of her. I looked into her eyes and brung her eyes to met mine.

I knew Angie and I were moving too fast in this relationship but finding love and hiding from it was hard.

"I'm in love with you and I want to be with you, having a family and marriage is something I also want so leaving you here and just going back to friends is not an option" I said bringing her closer.

She smiled and just stared into my eyes.

For that special second I lost myself in her eyes. She was so beautiful and it's crazy to even think that we were just friends yesterday and strangers a year ago. I knew she was someone special but I never knew she'd play a role in my life.

I brung her even closer and kissed her and held her.

"This is the quickest I've fallen in love" she said smiling.

I'm in love with this woman and I can't hide from it.

"Lets just play monopoly" she said as I made my way to the table and she went to the cover boards.

I sat there as she came back holding the board game in here hand. She set it on the table and began setting it up.

I sat there just staring at her. It was literally my first time playing this game, I've tried to play with Jay and moose once but we did get it so we made up our own game.

Beautiful (Matt Tuck) (BFMV)Where stories live. Discover now