Tour starts now

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I woke up by the sound of the alarm going off and a big thud. I quickly shot up to see Matt gripping the sheets while on the floor, there I realized what happened and starting laughing.

"That bad?" I said laughing.

"Yeah, can you turn off the alarm?" Matt said getting up and sitting on the bed.

I hit the sleep button and laid back stretching out making weird animal noises to stretch too.

"Wow! I feel like I'm at a zoo" Matt joked.

"Oh you don't know what a zoo is until your with Alexan when he's bored"

"What time is it anyways?" Matt said looking at the clock, "7:00, fuck" he said getting up, and grabbing his bag throwing it on the bed and going through it to find some clothes.

I got up and grabbed my bag, to get fresh clothes, I didn't have much in this bag since most of my clothes were in the duffle bag.

"I gotta go back down to the bus to get my other bag" I said putting my shoes on half asleep.

"Alright well I'm going jump in the shower" he said going into the bathroom.

I went out and walked to the elevator. Once I reached the lobby I saw Jay. I ran and caught up with him.

"Hey" I said.

"What's up and good morning"

"Where you going?"

"Tour bus, gotta get some clothes, I left my bags down here and slept in these clothes" he said pointing at the same clothes he wore yesterday.

"Yeah same except wearing jammies" I said.

We walked out to see Dani, and Padge grabbing their bags.

"Morning beauty" Padge said referring to both Jay and I.

"Morning Beast" Jay said to Padge.

Beauty and the beast. I walked to dani.

"Morning girl" dani said kneeling down and grabbing my black duffle bag that had the star war rebel symbol, "Here you go darling" he said handing me my bag.

"Thanks, and morning to you and Padge as well" I said as Padge looked at me and smiled, "See you guys in a bit" I said patting their shoulders.

I left back up to the room where Matt was still in the shower. I grabbed the clothes that I was gonna wear which was a navy blue captain America shirt, with dark jeans, and black flats. I wasn't a normal dressed rockstar, I only dressed to what I was comfortable with and this was what I was comfy with. I took out my black leather jacket just in case the whether was gonna turn bipolar on us. I grabbed my phone that was laying on the bed and was a missed called from who? Oh wait it's Corey. I threw it back on the bed then that's when Matt came out the shower looking beautiful.

"Done" he said drying his hair with a towel.

"Okay" I said grabbing my clothes and going into the bathroom.


Once I got out the shower Angie went in. It was really the last shower we might have in three to five days which always sucked especially after every tour. As I was drying my hair there was a knock at the door. I walked and open it to see Alexan.

"Breakfast is being served so call up room service and they'll bring it up, Terry wants us to have our energy at least until lunch"

"Alright, I'll do that"

Beautiful (Matt Tuck) (BFMV)Where stories live. Discover now