Pre party warm ups

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After getting comfy in our clothes we all went to the market to buy everything we needed. Of course I was making the cake so Padge, and I went to the bakery to buy supplies that we needed to actually make the cake. I wanted to do a three tier cake with flowers, almost like a wedding cake but since it wasn't an actual wedding I wasn't doing anything too extravagant. We had the plan to meet back up at the garden in middle of the market once we finished.

"Should we buy chocolate or vanilla?" I asked Padge as he was loading the trolley with unnecessary baking stuff like fillers, food colouring, baggies for cream, and cookie cutters, "Babe, do we really need pumpkin cookie cutters?" I laughed.

"We might, it's near Halloween and I think we should go strawberry in case neither like chocolate or vanilla" he said picking out different colours for the cake.

"Okay. I'll get strawberry and I think we can do the strawberry cake with fillings in the middle" I said.

Just as I was picking the colours I spotted Ceri and Jay just outside of the window of the shop, seemingly arguing. Normally I wouldn't pry into their business but I was worried for Jay, he was like a brother to me and to see him hurting more and more was difficult. We all knew he and Ceri were going through a lot but none of us wanted to upset him so we left him to deal with it.

"Do you think Jay and Ceri will be okay?" I asked turning to Padge.

"Love, it's not our business" Padge said putting more unnecessary stuff in the trolley.

"I know, but don't you think we should talk to Jay, I mean it's hard to see him going through it. Ceri is a good one but there's only so much you can take" I said before turning back to the colourings.

"I love them both but I think they're coming to an end. Jay is defined as someone who does it all and there's just things he can't do that Ceri needs or wants him to do, and that's just it" Padge said before coming close to me and giving me a kiss, "Jay will be fine, he always done good and he'll be okay just as long as he has his kids" he said giving me another kiss.

"Okay" I said.

After we had finished we went to check out and bought everything. Padge was always sneaky to buy everything even though I could easily buy it. Matt and Angie were going to buy everything but it wouldn't be a house warming party if we left them to buy everything at their own expense so we all refused to let them spend their money on the food we wanted to prepare for them. Once we left the bakery shop we went straight to the market on the inside and quickly spotted Dani and Jade at the liquor section. Their trolley was full of beer and alcohol with some juices and soda.

"Should we buy wine?" I asked smiling.

"We want to but Matt said they have the wine cellar so we won't but we should buy fruits and add them with like sangrias and stuff" Dani said.

"You want us to get some fruits that will be for drinks only?" Padge asked.

"That'd be lovely" Jade said giving us a warm smile.

Padge and I walked to the fruit section and began putting different fruits in our trolley like strawberries, Black berries, lemons, oranges, limes, and grapes. Of course Padge wanted to make his 'famous' chip and dip salsa so he began getting what he needed to make it.

"Oh god we are going to wreck Angie's kitchen" I joked as Padge gathered tomatoes and danced his way back to me, making me laugh, "You are so silly" I said before he gave me a quick kiss then grabbed more lime.

"Wreck? More like destroy it completely" he joked as I began grabbing some more strawberries.


While Moose, Matt, and MJ went to buy the meats for our bbq, Steph, and Mariah went to buy the actual grocery list for the foods they wanted to make, Paige went to buy movies for a movie night; Lisa, Maria, and I went to the decor to buy some awesome stuff to decorate the house with as a home warming party, they were super excited.

It was all a mix of different decor that we bought even though most of them were unnecessary it was insane.

"You really think we need a piñata Lisa?" Maria said as we both looked at Lisa.

"What? You never know" Lisa said as we both laughed, "So Ang, is any of your family coming out?"

"No, I invited them to come out but all are working, they have their families, and it would be a total waste because it's only for tomorrow then after that I'm off to Des Moines" I said as they smiled.

"Well at least you have us. We're really glad you invited us, it makes us feel apart of the Silent family" Maria said.

It sucked that my family couldn't come out considering the last minute decisions but we understood but in a way it made me feel better that Maria and Lisa were here. It wasn't always easy for them, I was glad they could help.

"Anyways let's go back to the house and everyone else will meet us back there" I said before grabbing our decor and leaving the store.

We got into the car and left back to the house before everyone came back since we took a different route. Of course the ride back was filled with loud music and head banging but nonetheless a super productive ride.

"So if Matt proposed to you, would you say yes?" Lisa asked me.

"Proposed? He wouldn't, at least not this early and no I wouldn't because it's just too early for us. We love each other but I think it'd be unfair for the both of us to agree to get married if we weren't ready" I said and just then Bullets 'Forever & Always' song came on.

"Ahhhh I think it's a sign" Maria said poking me.

"Sign? Oh geez I've been missing it all along" I said sarcastically while they continued to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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