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"Thank you so much Tokyo! You've been amazing! We cant wait to see you on our next shows! We love you all and goodnight" I said as I began taking the picks and throwing them in random places as fans of japan cheered loud.

I took my guitar off and began bowing as they continued to scream. Padge threw his picks and did the same as Jay already was waving and slowly made his way off. Moose threw his drumsticks out and waved goodbye as we all walked off stage

I gave my guitar to Stevie who just gave us a thumbs up before heading backstage to our dressing room. The next band up was DevilDriver.

"Finally we have a day off tomorrow" Jay said taking a bottled water.

"No shit, we get to explore japan" Moose said standing up and throwing me a towel.

I began wiping myself down until the door opened only to see Veronika walk in with Padge.

"That was an awesome show as always" Veronika said as Padge sat down.

"Thanks love" Moose said giving Padge a water.

"Where's Angie?" I asked.

I feel like this was the one question I always ask but dating a very busy woman, well that question can't be avoided.

"She went back to the tour bus, I guess they're all tired from the show. Also MJ and Alex decided to go out to eat and they invited us too"

"We better go if we wanna eat" Jay chuckled as we all walked out to the tour buses.

Tonight we got to stay in a hotel so that was exciting since being cramped in a tour bus since April with showers twice a week. We were all excited! By the time the tour was over we'd all be home and cosy in our own comfort. Once we reached the bus the door opened only for Paige to walk out.

"I was about to come get you guys, we gotta go! We're kind of hungry and we want to eat out somewhere so change your clothes and let's head out" he said while going back in the bus.

We all walked on with the Silent band sitting at the table booth laughing but no Angie insight. We all looked at each other and knew tonight was going to be a relaxed night. We walked upstairs and I grabbed my bag and walked in the lounge only to see Angie.

"Hey, I thought I missed you" I said as she smiled and stood up.

"You did good tonight. Sorry I wasn't there when you got off, I came back because the guys want to go out to eat and I'm just not in the mood" she chuckled, "let me go out" she said slowly making her way to the door.

For a slight reason I felt something wrong. I didn't know why but something felt different and I couldn't shake the feeling. I quickly blocked the lounge door just out of pure instinct. Angie smiled and looked away.

"You always know when something's wrong, but just for once can we cut it out and just wait" she said looking back up to me, "I have no energy right now"

We maintained eye contact until I pulled her into a hug, just not wanting to let her go, holding What now belonged to me, but she slowly pulled away from me.

"Get changed Tuck, we gotta enjoy dinner tonight" she smiled and walked out.

I think it was the whole moving in thing that had her on the edge especially the sudden asking. I took out a dress up shirt along with jeans and changed them. God I really need to do laundry tonight. Clothes just piles up and it gets really annoying. I took my bag and walked out to see no one insight. I threw my bag underneath my bunk and began brushing my hair out after finishing with the main I walked down to see the guys sitting on the sofa and the booth. Angie sitting on the other table. I walked and sat next to her.

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