Turned and Loved

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I didn't hear the sound of movement in the bus so after deciding that there was no one I got up and walked downstairs only to see Matt on his phone sitting down.

"Oh, hey" I said acting as if nothing had happened.

"Good to see you dear one" he said putting his phone away as I sat down.

"Where's the boys?"

"They are now..." He checked his watch and then phone, "Well now they're doing interviews"

"What time is it?" I asked looking for a sign of a clock anywhere but fully aware that there was no clock.

"It's 2:28 p.m and we're still in L.A"

"I'm hungry" I said getting up and going straight for the cabinets to look for something to eat.

I looked into the cabinet only to see candy, and chips, I walked to the fridge and opened it but it was filled with nothing but booze and cheese string.

"This is bullshit, I forgot...we do our own shopping" I said and walking back and flopping down onto the sofa.

"Maybe we should go get something to eat" Matt said getting up from the sofa and walking to me, "Are you okay?" He said looking at me concerned.

"I'm fine, I don't want to think of it, at least not at the moment" I said turning around and going through the cabinets once more, "I'm super hungry right now, I feels like I haven't eaten in forever!" I said in exaggeration.

"Well let's get something to eat then" Matt said grabbing my arm and leaving out the tour bus.

"Where are we going?" I said laughing.

"Go get something to eat cause your hungry and I am so that makes two"

I just laughed as we walked without not specific destination.

Matt pulled out his phone and began looking up something.

"There's a dominos pizza not too far from here" he said putting his phone into his pocket.

"Sound great! I love pizza"

"Me too!! I love pizza also but I love Brazilian food" Matt said laughing.

"Brazilian? I've tried it but I'm more into Italian food and traditionally Native American food"

"Hmmm sounds great, I gotta go to your house for that right?"

I laughed and smiled, "Uhhh technically I don't have a house, I mean my Iowan house went to shit so I am a homeless bitch on tour"

"You sound so calm about it"

"Well I'm not worried about it, I can get a house, but a lot of my clothes are at the house in Iowa but clothes can easily be replaced"

"Where do you plan to move after tour?" Matt asked, I have no idea where but I knew that Iowa was my last resort.

"I thought about it, and I was thinking in the uk since most of my band mates live out that way, or in New York City since my sister lives there, but I don't know I'm undecided as of now"

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