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I remember the panic when I heard him call my name. I knew the police where coming but will they make it? I felt like this was the beginning of my end. I could hear my heart beating, the tears streaming down my cheeks but no noise. I thought this was it for me. I wanted to scream but no one would hear me and he'd find me. The foot steps got closer and I could feel the floor boards moving, he was close. I needed to find a weapon, he is coming. This is it. BANG!

5am, I woke up in a panic. Memories good or bad will never be forgotten, and I had an issue of my past haunting me in my dreams. I thought I was going good, I hadn't had a nightmare in so long.  I had a message from Zak "I want more". That message sent my nerves chills, I could remember his touch on my face, I could remember his warm breath down my neck. I wanted him to consume me entirely.

I walked down my hall way and made myself breakfast. I had no work today so I was figuring out what to do. As I was planning my day Zak rang, he alerted me that he was free and wanted hang out. We made plans to go shopping and then back to mine. I made sure I look nice and even had nice under garments on. I was hoping he'd see them and catch my drift.

We brought dinner back to mine and lounged around watching boring TV and talking. I wanted to take charge of getting things going but apart of me was always nervous. I pulled myself together and went for it. He was occupied on his phone tweeting, hashtagging away.  He was laying flat on his back so I went over and straddled him. Instantly he put his down. I took off my top and only had my black lace bra on, the lace barely covering up much. Zak ran his hands down my body and tossed me so I was on the bottom. He swiftly took his top off. His body was a temple and I wanted to pray for it. His touch sent me to paradise. The kisses where slower but sexy. He caressed my breast and his hand made it down my skirt. I moaned, I could feel his eyes starring at me. I wanted him to know I enjoyed this and wanted more... of him. I've never had desire quite like this. The penetration of his hands was setting me off. I couldn't keep it in, Zak seemed to have enjoyed this. I didn't want to give it all up straight away, so I pulled away. "You're such a tease" Zak said trying to keep going. We ended the night with a goodbye kiss.

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