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Zak had gone to a lockdown in downtown Vegas, he was only gone for 3 days. I had already started my maternity leave from work and was expecting Remi in 3 weeks. I was making a smoothie for my breakfast and started to pack my hospital bag. I felt a sudden pain in my stomach, I rushed to the toilet and was sick. I got vomit on my clothes so I decided to have a bath and relax, after about 30mins I got out and collapsed to the floor. I was screaming in pain, I held my stomach and saw blood down there. "What! Ouch!" The pain was unbearable. Just to move was killing me, I had to call Zak quick. I thought to myself I couldn't be loosing this baby, I stood at the tub and I knew this would hurt; I ran straight to my bed where my phone was located.

"Holy shit FUCK!" There was blood all over the floor and bed sheets now. I dialled  Zak but no answer, I called Ashley and she answered "hello Hun what's u..." Before she finished I cut her off "Ash get Zak! I think I'm having the baby, there blood, I can't ---" I started having contractions and started to yell. "I'll get Zak!" She hung up and raced to Zak. He was in the middle of planning his lockdown for that night "Jay I need 2 cameras here and boom mic under this stairway" Ashley ran towards Zak, she was out of breath "Zak! Kay is in labor and she said she can't move, there's blood everywhere!" Without any hesitation, Zak left he called the ambulance to go get her from his house. "Guys cancel lockdown!" Zak was in a panic, Aaron left and drove Zak, "man I can drive! Let me!" Zak demanded at Aaron to move and let him drive. "Dude you're in a panic! What happens if you get in an accident!? Kay needs you!" Zak knew he was right, off they went to the hospital.

I was already in the labor room, my water broke early and my stomach line had a rip and was causing the blood. "There's nothing to worry, your baby is perfect and so are you. We are going to start pushing okay?" My midwife was amazing but I needed Zak, "I can't do this without Zak!" I demanded. "Kay, if you divert from pushing, you'll cause damage to yourself or your baby. Okay, let's push" I agreed and started to push. "I'm coming! Kay! I'm coming!" I could hear Zak, I was so relieved. He rushed straight to me and held my hand. "You can do it baby, push." I started to cry "Zak I'm too weak. It hurts" his hand held my chin up "you've been my strength when I'm weak, now it's my turn. You can do it." I nodded and started pushing. Few more pushes and horrendous pain, Remi had entered the world, Wednesday 5th of November, 9:05pm. Zak was mesmerised, he got to cut the cord and he held her. I couldn't keep my eyes open and shut them, my pulse went down and buzzers started going off. "Wha-- what's going on?" Remi was taken off Zak and Zak was alerted to leave. "She's failing guys, let's fix it! One, two clear!" I could feel my chest being zapped, after a few attempts it was successful. They put an oxygen mask on me and took me to my room to rest.

  Zak, Aaron, Jay, Ash and Bill waited in the waiting room. Zak was pacing up and down and kept looking for my doctor, he found him and rushed to him "she's okay right? She has to be" Zak was restless "yes Zak, Kay held up fine, she just lost a lot of blood and became weak, very common with deliveries like hers. She is in her room now, Remi is at the midwife station. Both healthy, you can visit Kay and once she wakes up, we'll send in Remi." Zak and the guys rushed into the room. I laid motionless, Zak started to breakdown in Aaron's arms as he sees all the machines hooked on me. They all sat around waiting for me to wake, it was midnight, Zak let them go home. "Guys go home. I'll keep you updated. Thanks a lot guys" they all hugged. There was a knock at the door.

"Hi daddy." A nurse walked in with Remi, Zak's face lit up. "It's bottle time, and we thought maybe you'd feed her?" Zak we delighted to it. Remi cradled into his arms and instead of feeding her she feel asleep. The nurse giggled "she likes you" Zak looked up and grinned massively "how can you just meet someone and fall in love, deeply, head over heels in love?" The nurse laughed "baby's are a miracle. If you need anything I'm here all night" she left. Zak held her all night, she didn't stir or cry. In the morning, Zak bathed her and fed her. He sat down and showed Remi the photo album he made me. "That's mummy, beautiful just like you." He started to read the quote that was next to the photo of me in a white sun dress. "I like the colour black, but ever since I seen you in white, it was my new favourite colour. The light radiated from you, I felt light on my feet, I gained power from you. You where a vision; vision of beauty, vision of love and a vision I wanted to have for the rest of my life."

I could hear Zak read that to Remi, I moved my lips and opened my eyes, Zak saw movement and rushed towards me "Kay!! Yes, I love you! Oh baby!" He was relived, he brought Remi to me and I held her for the first time in my life. She woke up and stretched her little arms. She glanced up and me and I saw a smile. "Oh Zak she is perfect." A nurse soon walked in and took my vitals and gave me clearance to leave tomorrow. I fed Remi and bottle and just watched her sleep. "So does she look like daddy or me?" I gazed at Zak, him not taking his eyes off Remi, he signed "she is gorgeous, she is pure. Definitely looks like her mum" Zak then locked eyes with me. I looked deep into his eyes and saw beauty, love and kindness.

Aaron came to visit, he walked in and Zak was on the bed, I sat in between his legs while Remi was in both our hands. Zak kissed my forehead and whispered I love you. We watched Remi sleep, nothing is perfect but Remi was our idea of perfection. I looked up at Zak and I knew this is our forever, it was going to be an adventure.

Aaron smiled, "you guys are a vision of perfect." Zak and I exchanged looks and then looked at Remi, Zak exhaled "my life is perfect."

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