The Secret Life Of Lilly Adams

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I was walking behind the bleachers on the football field  after the game when the most popular boy in Wren High, Blake Carter started walking my way. This couldn't be happening. Could it? Maybe...

Quick! Breath check! I put my hand over my mouth. Oh god. I'm glad I brought gum. Damn. I quickly popped two pieces of gum into my mouth. He stopped directly in front of me.

 "Hey, Lilly." He said and flashed his brilliantly white smile at me.

"H-h-hh-h-hi." he laughed a little.

"Do you want to come with me?" He asked. "Where?" I asked.

 "Just follow me." He said and started walking. How could I NOT follow him? I mean I could just stand here like a dork, which I am... Oh what the hell. I followed him down the hill to the edge of the woods. Why were we going to the woods? He walked into the woods further to where I couldn't see him.

 "Where are you?" I asked.

"Just follow the sound of my voice." He said.

"Okay." I accidentally walked into a tree.

 "Ow." I said quietly.

"Now guys!" He yelled and I looked up.

Two guys from the football team had a Gatorade cooler. And they were about to dump it on me. I saw them tip it over but I was frozen. I couldn't move. And if I did move, they would probably figure out something worse to do to me later. I felt one cooler being dumped on me. It was ice cold. I screamed as the liquid hit my skin.

 I stood there dripping wet in a white t-shirt. Well this is just freaking wonderful. A couple of seconds later I felt another drop of cold liquid hit me. I looked up and there was another cooler. They dumped it out on me. I stood there shaking I was so cold.

 "You dicks!" I yelled and they laughed. I saw a camera flash.

 "This'll look great plastered on the walls!" They laughed. I put my now wet jacket on and walked away. I nearly ran into my best friend Aurora.

"What happened to you?" She asked looking at me.

 "The football team happened." I said quietly.

 "They did this?" She asked.

 "Yeah." I said feeling like I was going to cry.

 "Why?" She asked and pushed a piece of her long blonde wavy hair behind her ear.

"I don't know. All I know is that when we come back after summer is over I'm going to be the laughing stock of the whole school..." I whispered letting a couple of tears escape my eyes.

She wrapped her right arm around my shoulders for a few seconds.

"Why?" She asked.

"They took pictures of me looking like this." I said and undid my jacket.

"Oh my god, you can see straight through that." She said.

"Yeah, I know." I said and thought about everything for a minute.

 And right then, that's when I finally had an idea... My goal... Make fools out of all the hottest guys in school. Hell. Maybe even the cheer squad while I'm at it. Get close to them. Find their weak spot and destroy them all. Make them feel the pain that I've felt all this time...

The Secret Life Of Lilly AdamsWhere stories live. Discover now