Ur So Gay

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I woke up when I heard a noise outside.

       I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. It was three am. I heard the noise again, and again. But then I realized it wasn’t outside. It was coming from my older sister’s room. Who was in there? She was in New York “finding herself”.

     I grabbed one of my huge textbooks out of my backpack and held it as a weapon and walked into the hallway. I approached her bedroom, I hesitated for a few short seconds, then turned the knob. I saw my sister in bed with a guy. I quickly closed the door and went back into my bedroom. I could still hear them in my room. There was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep now.

     Maybe I could sleep in the tree house. I grabbed a pillow and a sleeping back and crawled out of my window and climbed down the tree. I walked down the path that lead to the tree house. When I came to the tree house I saw a light on.

Jake must be in there. I ran to it and climbed up the rope ladder. I opened the hatch and was shocked at what I saw...

Jake and another guy were kissing. Jake wasn’t gay. He couldn’t be. Could he?

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