CHAPTER 3//Saviour of the Night

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I hear a girl screaming a blood freezening scream. 

"For the love of unicorns?" I whisper to myself as I run towards the scream to see a girl bleeding from her head and a homeless man dragging her body away. "STOP!" I scream and the hobo guy freezes before running away leaving the girl there bleeding. I sink down on my knees infront of her. She's bleeding and I see a pair of closed eyes with dark circles around them, she hadn't been sleeping well...

"Don't worry, I'm gonna take you to the hospital." I say as I lift her limp body up, princess style, and carry her to my car, driving off to the hospital. 

"Please help me!" I say as I hold the girls limp body. "I found her passed out, she is loosing blood!" 

The nurses comes rushing, taking the girl away from me. I sit down waiting for almost an half hour. I text Gerard.

'Hi Gerard, I'm at the hospital, so I'll be a little late.'

'Mikey! Why? Are you hurt?' 

"No, I found this girl, attacked by a creepy pedo, so I took her to the hospital, she'd hit her head in the pavement and had a bloodloss.' 

'Oh, ok. Be safe little brother.'

'Yeah, is it okay if the girl comes over too, I dont think she has any family?'

"Yes, bring her along, we'd love to meet her.'

I see a nurse coming in my direction. She looks at me.

"Are you family to the girl?"

"No... But it was me who found her."

"Okay, you can go visit her now." She smiles at me. I grab my jacket and walk to the room and open the door. The girl has dark hair and very green eyes. She looks up from her phone at me.

"HOLY GEESUS!" She exclaims. "You're Mikey Way!"

"Haha, yes. I found you out there," I chukle. "and I saw the blood so I brought you here."

"Thanks, I really appriciated that." She smiles.

"Yeah, I kinda freaked out when I saw the blood, but at least I scared away the creep." I say and she gets a chill from the memory. 

"He tried to kidnap me when I was sleeping on that park bench." She explains. "But then you saved me."

"Yeah, do you have any family I could call?" I ask her and she looks down.

"Please don't tell the nurses, but I escaped the orphanage."

"Oh." I say, my pokerface coming on again, but I end up looking sad for her. "Wich dumb parents would leave a beautiful girl like you to an orphanage?"

"My parents." She wipes off a tear. 

"What's you name, honey?" I ask carefully.


"That's a beatuiful name, Annie." I smile slightly. "As you already know, I'm Mikey. Mikey Way."

"I don't remember my last name." Annie sighs.

"Let me hear your story, tell me about yourself."

"I'm Annie. I don't remember my last name, my mom's name was Lynne and she cared a little bit for me, and she was always sad. My dad was a total dick towards me and mommy. His name was Michael... Michael John." She closes her eyes and try to remember. "I think his last name was Rivers or something. That makes me... Annie Rivers? Yeah, let's say that. The cops found me abadoned in the middle of nowhere next to a highway. Then the threw me in at the orphanage. They are searching for my parents, but Geesus knows where they are..."

"Okay, I'm Mikey, Michael, James Way, the little brother of the one and only sass queen, Gerard Way, and I grew up here in Jersey. " I say. "I was in a rockband, My Chemical Romance, and I played bass. There's nothing extra spectacular about me."

"Okay Mikey." She smiles. We talk a bit more and we have the same interests. She loves MCR's music, and we both love comics. A doctor comes and signs that Annie could leave. The cops would take her back to the orphanage tomorrow, so they asked me to take care of Annie tonight, and I said that it wouldn't be too much effort, so I could do it. I'm, Mikey Way, is gonna take care of this kid tonight. And you're gonna be the best damn one-night-parent ever!

"I'm done!" Annie says as she packs the last of her stuff in the bag. She had changed into a MCR tee.

"Great, let's head for dinner." I say and pick up my car key. "We're heading to Gerard's."

"Oh, okay. Is that okay for him?" She asks nervously.

"Yeah, I texted him when you where still passed out." I unlock my car and we jump in and I start the engine and speed of. I drive fast as fuck on the driveway. 


"Okay." I say as I drive super slow.

"Mikey..." She sighs playfully. "A little bit faster, maybe?"

"As you wish." I say as I begin to drive normally.

"That's better." She smiles as I pull up at Gee's. "What if he doesn't like me?" She sounds anxious. I snort.

"Gerard couldn't dislike anyone, even if you killed his mom he'd still try be nice to you." I snort again. 

She chukles as we walk up to the door and I knock. I hear scrambling inside and soon Gee shows up at the doorstep. 

"Hello! Nice to meet you, I'm Gerard Way." He chukles at her t-shirt as they shake hands. "That's a really nice shirt honey."

"Hi Gerard!" I hug my brother. 

"Missed you Mikey." Gerard says. "Come on in."

We walk in and sit down at the table. Gerard puts down a homemade pizza and we all take a slice.

"What was your name again, sweetie?"


"That's a pretty name." Gerard smiles at her. "Do you have any parents?"

"Yes, but they left me at a highway when I was 4." Annie explains and Gerard chokes on his pizza.

"They left a 4-year old next to a highway!?" He chokes out. "Someone could've driven over you!!"

"Yeah, it was dad who kinda forced mom to leave me. He's a cock, mommy actually cared a little." She shrugs and keep eating. "This food was really good though, thanks!"

"Yeah, you're welcome..." Gerard zoones out a little.

"There's a Xbox up at the left door." I say and Annie smiles and walks up the stairs. 

ADOPTED BY MIKEY WAYWhere stories live. Discover now