Mikey and Allison's wedding

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Annie's POV

Life has been much brighter since I moved in with Mikey and Allison. Allison took me in as her own. Today is the day. Mikey and Allison is marrying each other. Mikey is over at Gerard's since yesterday. Gerard had some of his friends flown in to celebrate. Kellin Quinn, Fall Out Boy and some others.

I walk down the stairs to see Allison in a white shirt, eating breakfast.

"Annie! I made you some toast too!"

"Thank you, Allison." I smile.

"Uh huh, mom. Remember that." She smiles. She wants me to call her mom, but it kinda feels wrong, Lynne is my mom. 

"Okay mom." I say. It feels wrong.

"We where anouncing this at the wedding, but Mikey and I wanted you to know first." She stands up and drags up her shirt over the stomach. A little baby bump is on her tummy.

"OMG!" I say exitedly. "I'm going to have a sibling!" 

"Yeah." Allison giggles. "Phew! I didn't know how you'd react, if you wanted to kill me or anything."

"I could never kill you. I can't kill an ant." I giggle. "But now we have to focus on getting you ready."


"I'll get the door!" One of Allisons friends, Lolah, jumps up. She rushes to the door and then squeals "Al, you mum is here!" 

"Mom!!" I hear Allison shout gladly. "I missed you!"

"Shut that pretty little mouth of yours, you're ruining your makeup!" Allison's friend Kristen says.

A dark haired woman comes up into the room. The first thing she does is laying her eyes on me and she now smiles. 

"Hi! Your Allison's adopted daughter, right? I'm Katherine, Allisons mother. You can call me Kat for short, or Grandma if you like." She hugs me. "What's your name, doll?"

"Annie." I say.

"That's a beautiful name, Hun, so classical but also new--"

"Mom!! Leave poor Annie alone for a bit! It's actually me who's the person of the day!" Allison cuts her mother off. 

"Oh yeah, nice to meet you Annie." Grandma says and I see Allison winking at me. 

'Thank you for saving me!' I think.


It's now time for Allison to go down the aisle and I quickly look for a place to sit. I got to meet Kellin and the others, they was happy to see me again. Especially Frank. I see Gerard winking and clapping on a seat next to him. I rush to him and sit down.

"Hey, doll. It's beginning now." He whispers. I nod and then the marching music begins to play. Allison walks down the aisle and she looks absolutley beautiful. Mikey is smiling like crazy. 

"Do you, Michael James Way, take Allison Katherine Lloyd?"


"Do you, Allison Katherine Lloyd, take Michael James Way?"


"You may now kiss the bride."

Mikey kisses Allison softly. 

"We are now happy to start our lives in a little family of four!" Mikey says. I hear everyone gasping at the news. I whistle and soon everyone is clapping and cheering. Allison and Mikey rushes out the church in a rain of rice. They jump into the car and soon we're all home and partying. They decided to skip the honeymoon, to look after me and the baby's safety, flying isn't that great if you're pregnant.

"Now we're a happy family." I say to them as we take a family photo, that Mikey says that we're gonna hang on our wall.  This is perfect.

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