Chapter 3.

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Liam's POV!

Performing was exhilarating. There's no better feeling in the world then hearing thousands of people sing back the music you wrote. I love it, and sometimes, it hard for me to comprehend that this is my life. My dream is a reality, everything that I've ever wanted, I have. An amazing career, a beautiful girlfriend. It's overwhelming and incredible at the exact same time. Somehow though, even though I'm blessed beyond belief, I still feel like something is missing.

"Great show Lads." Louis cheers as we all run off the stage, sweaty and hearts pounding.

"Who wants to go get some drinks?" Niall asks us as the four of us make our way into the dressing room.

"We do." Harry answers for both him and Louis.

"Oh, I'm tired tonight, and I promised Sophia I'd Skype her so I'm gonna pass." I tell them as they all stare at me waiting for my answer.

"Stop being so whipped." Louis teases.

"I just don't feel like getting shit faced drunk tonight." I roll my eyes.

Normally I'd be jumping on the opportunity to let loose, but honestly I just wasn't feeling it tonight. All I wanted to do was go back to the room and take a hot shower, order room service and watch some stupid movie till I fall asleep.

"Fine, but next time were dragging you along whether you like it or not." Niall threatens making me laugh.

That's one of the things I love most about these guys, they knew exactly when to push something and when to drop it. They're not just my best friends, they're my brothers. We may fight and argue but at the end of the day if one of us needs the other, we're right there with no questions asked.

I grab one of the other security guards, Jake and leave, knowing the guys would need Paul tonight more than I would. We arrive back at the hotel around 11 and I'm exhausted. My room was on the 12th floor, so we take the elevator up. I notice my hotel door cracked a bit so I send in Jake to check it out. Once he came out and told me it was just the maid I walk in and throw myself on the bed.

"I'm just finishing up, I'm sorry." A small voice says, sounding vaguely familiar.

"No, you're alright, go ahead." I tell the girl as she comes out of the bathroom.

"Is there anything-" She starts to ask me a question but stop when she sees me.

It was the same girl from yesterday. The girl that was getting hit on by her boyfriend. Except today she had a black eye and a busted lip.

"Oh my god." My eyes go wide at the sight of her battered up face. "Did he do this to you last night?"

"Don't you know how to mind your own business?" She glares at me as she starts gathering her cleaning utensils.

"It's just-"

"Please stop." She bites her lips as the tears threaten to fall from her eyes.

"You need to get help. I can help you." I practically plead with this poor girl but all she does is shake her head at me.

"I don't want help."

"You like getting beat up by that asshole?" I probably sound like insensitive ass but I just don't understand it. I don't understand why she won't let me help her.

"You don't know the whole story okay? You've seen me twice, there's a lot more that you don't know. Most of the time I deserve it." She looks down at the ground shamefully.

It was painful to hear her say that. Nobody ever deserves to be treated like that. I might not know her personally but from the little bit I have seen of her, I can tell there's nothing this girl has ever done to deserve the stuff she's going through.

"No you don't. Let's call the cops, we have to do something."

"Look what happened when you got involved if you'll excuse me I have to go finish my work." She quickly grabs the rest of her supplies before wheeling the cart out of my room and into the hallway.

I couldn't just let her go that quick. If something happened to her and I could have prevented it, I'd never live with myself.

I scribble my name and number down on the back of my Starbucks receipt and run after her.

"Wait." I call out, making her stop and turn around.

"Yes?" She says, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Here." I hand her the small folded up piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"My number. If you ever need anything. Please don't hesitate to call me okay?"

"Thank you, but I don't need it" She tries handing it back to me.

"No, please take it. It'll make me feel better if I knew you could at least get ahold of me if you needed to." I sigh.

"Fine." She takes it back and slips it in her pants pocket.

"Have a good night." I force a smile as I walk back to my room.

I shower then Skype with Sophia. She was going on and on about this new matching shoe and purse set she wanted. My mind should have been on her, but more than once I find my thoughts drifting back to the girl.

I can't help but wonder if she's okay, if she's safe.  My heart wanted to believe she was but my head knew different.

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