Chapter 12.

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Liam's Pov!

I should feel bad about upsetting Sophia and risking the bands reputation, but deep down, I know if I had to redo the whole day over, I would in a heartbeat. Without any question. Today was the first day in a really long time that I could honestly be myself. Not 1/4 of One Direction's Liam Payne, but just Liam. Fun, carefree, Liam.

For a long time I forgot who that guy was. I was so used wearing this mask of a celebrity, I forget that there's someone else inside. Everyday is like a masquerade, I wake up and go through all the motions but it's like i'm not really there, not the real me anyway. These days I'm just the guy I pretend to be for the press and paparazzi.

I'm content with my life, and that's fine but after today, I can't help but crave the happiness I felt when I was out just being a regular guy.

Carter makes me feel normal, something I haven't felt in forever. She makes me think about things I would normally just glance over, and she makes me laugh so hard, god that girl is funny. Maybe even funnier than Louis, which is hard to say because everyone knows he could be a comedian as a second career. Its like whenever I'm with her, i nonstop smiling. I swear my face literally hurts from smiling so damn big.

I should be saying all this about Sophia. She is my girlfriend, the person I thought was the love of my life, but now whenever were together, she just makes me feel empty. I'm never good enough for her no matter how hard I try. I don't call her enough and I'm too tired to go out to the club when she wants to have fun, or I didn't buy her the right purse. I could give her the world and it still wouldn't be enough for her. Its exhausting trying to constantly please someone who's never satisfied.

"Liam?" I snap out of my train of thought when I hear my name.

"Sophia..." I cough, hearing the distaste in her voice.

"I can't believe you. Are you cheating on me with that little tramp? Just tell me straight up and I-"

"No. I'm not. I would never ever think cheating, you should know me better than that." I cut her off before she finishes.

"Well what am I supposed to think when-"

"Will you please just let me fucking talk for once?" I have to interrupt her again to her attention before she goes off on another rant.

"Fine." She glares at me, clearly not to please with how the conversation is going.

"I love you, I always will but...I'm different now, I've changed and this just isn't working for me anymore..." I look her dead in the eyes.

"You're breaking up with me?" Her mouth drops like I just told her the secret of the century

"Yeah, I mean, all we ever do is fight and argue. I'm gone all the time and I don't make you happy anymore. You deserve to be happy, I just can't be the source anymore." I sigh, surprised at how effortlessly the words fell from my mouth.

"I can't believe this. It's her isn't it?" Her voice gets louder by the minute.


"No." I lie.

"Bullshit Liam. I see how you look at her, I'm not stupid."

"Sophia..." I try to calm her down.

"See, I fucking knew it." she shakes her head and bolts for the door.

"Fuck you, Liam. I hope she's worth it."

I stare blankly at the wall, trying to process what the hell just happened. I can't believe we broke up. I mean don't get me wrong, its what I wanted, it just needs to sink in I guess. I was with this girl for 4 years and now I'm single. Its a hard thing to adjust to.

"I'm gonna make an assumption here and say judging by the yelling and slamming of doors, that talk didn't go so well." Harry says after walking into the room.

"We broke up."

"Woah, like broke up for good?" His eyes go wide as he looks at me in shock.


"I'm sorry." He comes over and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't be. It just wasn't meant to be." I tell him.

"Why don't you seem more upset about this? Seriously, you don't even look the least bit sad." He raises his eyes at me suspicious.

"I don't know. I just feel free. As horrible as that sounds."

"I get it." He chuckles.

"So what about the whole Carter situation?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders and shift uncomfortably. I still wasn't quite sure how she played into this whole situation.

"Well, let me tell you what I think. I think that you're falling in love with her and that's why you broke up with Sophia. See even though you loved her, you could never picture your life with Sophia but with Carter, you can. So go for it. Tell her how you feel." He smiles.

"Okay, Dr. Phil. What the hell was all that?" I laugh.

"The truth." He looks at me simply.

"How am I supposed to just confess my love for her and than leave her behind with her crazy ex boyfriend on the loose while I go on a world tour for 10 months?"

"So I was right? You do love her."

"Shut up, Harry." I shove him playfully.

"Okay, so there's only one option you have then."

"And what would that be?" I ask not following where this going with this.

"Ask her to come on tour."

"What?" I make sure I'm hearing him right.

"Its perfect! Listen, She has no money or nowhere to go. Plus you don't want to leave her with psycho Kyle on the loose so this is a win win."

" are a genius." I fist bump him and grin.

Now to just convince the guys...and Carter.

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