Chapter 8.

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Liam's POV.

I can't remember the last time I was this mad. Not annoyed or aggravated, but genuinely pissed the fuck off. I can't believe that this asshole has the audacity to show up at the hospital after he beat her so badly she ended up here. Its like he was purposely terrorizing her. Who does that? What kind of human being are you?

I walk rather quickly down the hallway until I reached the waiting room. There wasn't many people there so it didn't take long for me to spot him, by this point my blood was boiling. I didn't even notice that Niall was behind me until I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"Pretty boy, looks like we meet again." Kyle looks at me up and down with this sick, twisted look on his face.

"You need to leave, right fucking now." I ignore his petty immature comment.

"Listen, I'm not going anywhere until I see MY girlfriend, understand me? Oh, did you forget that little detail, she's mine, so you can leave." He hisses, taking a step closer.

"You don't own her. She doesn't want to see you anymore, understand ME? Now I'm gonna tell you one more fucking time. Leave right now." My jaw clenches with anger. This kid is the biggest piece of shit I've ever met.

"That's not gonna happen, bro." He laughs like this is all some big joke.

"Oh yes, it will." I growl, i'm not going to take any of this guys shit.

"And what are you going to do about it?" He challenges. "Make me leave?" He throws his head back and chuckles.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." My fists are in balls as I try my hardest to control my temper.

I've never been one for confrontation or fighting. I think its pointless and doesn't accomplish anything. There's a saying that I live by, "Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the only one who gets burned." But god I want nothing more then to kill this guy with my bare hands right now. To bad there was a room full of people as witnesses.

"Then do it." He seethes.

I go to take a step toward him but Niall stops me. "Don't do this, Li. Just think about what the press would do if they got ahold of this." He warns me softly.

"Go get security." I demand, biting my lip.

"That's what I thought." Kyle smirks sarcastically. "Don't wanna ruin that reputation, huh pretty boy?"

"Not for someone so pathetic." I say through gritted teeth.

"I'll make it easy for you and leave, but just know I will be back." He says pushing past me.

"And just know next time I won't let someone talk me out of kicking your sorry ass." I yell as he exits the building, Niall coming over with two security guards seconds later.

"He leave?" Niall asks looking in the direction I'm staring aimlessly at.

"Yeah, and I don't want him coming back. I don't want him within ten feet of this hospital, understand? I don't care what you have to do, whatever it takes, you keep him out. I'll take care of all he costs." I tell security. They agree, both reassuring me that we won't ever see him again.

"Guys, what the hell happened?" Louis comes running up to us.

"Nothing." I grumble, walking away.

"So Carter just called me in tears for nothing?" He makes me stop. Hearing that she was crying just filled my hatred anymore.

"First off, how did she even have your number?" I ask curiously.

"I gave it to one of her nurses in case of an emergency, now will you please tell me what happened?" He was getting impatient.

"Her ex showed up."

"What how? I thought you told me you put him on the list that says he's not allowed in here under no circumstances." He asks, just as shocked and confused as everyone else.

"Oh I did. He told the staff that he was her brother." I tell him as I finally calm down enough to think clearly again.

"Holy shit." He mumbles.

"What a manipulative ass." Niall comments, his Irish accent stronger when he's uncomfortable.

"Yeah, well where's Harry?" I look over at Louis.

"I had him go sit with Carter, she seemed pretty shaken up." He tells me and I sigh in relief. Times like this I'm thankful I have the best friends in the world.

"Great, thank you so much."

"I say we go get some food and all have dinner in her room. She probably could use some company." Louis suggests to which Niall and I both agree.

"Sounds like a plan."

After picking up some Chinese takeout we all head back up to the hospital room I've grown accustomed the past week and a half. Harry and Carter were up playing some card game.

"Liam, are you okay?" She sits up as soon as she sees us walk in.

"I'm fine." I assure her.

"He's gone?" A quick flash of terror in her eyes.

"Yes, and he's not coming back." I tell her as I walk over and pull her into my arms.

"Is that food? Cause I'm starving." Harry's question making us pull apart.

"Yeah, I hope you like Chinese, we got a little bit of everything." I say as the guys pull out various containers.

"I got you Cashew chicken with fried rice." Louis says handing Harry the food.

"Awh, babe, you remembered my favorite." He smiles.

We all laugh at the exchange and start eating. Everyone was talking and laughing. Despite everything that happened today somehow we ended up making the best of a shitty situation.

There's times in your life we never really value until they become a memory. Then there are times a when you just know how special a moment is. I knew this moment would forever be engraved in my mind, and that brought a smile to my face.

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