Chapter 11

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"What were you thinking? Honestly, tell me what the hell was going through your head that would ever make you rationalize this as a good idea?" I flinch as I stand outside the hospital room and listen to Louis yell at Liam. To say that he was pissed off would be an understatement. He was furious, like the eye popping, red face, smoking coming out of your ears furious. As much as Niall and Harry tried to assure me that he was just worried, there was no denying the anger in his eyes.

And Sophia.

Part of me did feel bad for her. I mean she did just fly thousands of miles to see her boyfriend to find out that he was off doing god know what she thought with another girl. I would be upset too. I get it, I really do, but the way she was acting was borderline psychotic.

First off, she slapped him across face, hard, then threw her "Organic chai tea imported from Tokyo." all over him while screaming that he ruined her life. I have to admit that I did chuckle just a bit. If only she knew what someone ruining her life really felt like. Which promptly caused her to shoot me a glare before leaving and slamming the door. Not that I felt bad, I was actually thankful that she finally left.

Okay, so I'm being harsh, but I can't stand the thought of anyone treating Liam like that. He was hands down, the most thoughtful, kind, sweetest person I've ever met, and that's coming from his friend, can you imagine what kind of boyfriend he is? Hell that boy is probably the modern prince charming covered in tattoos.

I just don't get what he sees in her. She was rude, and spoiled, they didn't have anything in common, and if I'm being completely honest, she was a total bitch. What could he possibly be attracted to, besides the fact that she practically looked like a damn Victoria Secret model.

God, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I acting so damn emotional about this?

"Carter...I'm so sorry." Liam says walking towards me, Louis following behind him, an irritated look plastered across his face.

"No, I'm the one that should be apologizing, I should have never asked you to sneak me out. I was stupid and irresponsible and-" before I could finish I'm cut off by Liam.

"Stop, it's not like you hog tied me up and forced me to go have fun. I know some people don't like to believe it, but I am capable of making my own decisions."

"Are you? Because it seems like you're letting others influence you a lot. " Louis shoots him daggers.

"Please don't be mad at him, it was honestly all my fault." I quickly try to defend Liam.

"Carter, don't apologize to him." Liam cuts in before Louis could respond.

"Let Carter get some rest, she had a long day, and Liam, I'd suggest going to check on your girlfriend." Harry speaks up, breaking the awkward tension.

"If he still has one." Louis spits as he grabs harry by the hand and leaves.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Now Louis hates me and I probably just broke up Liam and the love of his life.

I'm such a fuck up.

All I wanted to do was have fun, go eat some ice cream and spend time with liam, now look what happened. I ruin everything.

"Don't let him get to you. He's just mad that the paps could've seen us. He's protective." Liam tries to comfort me.

"How about this. Liam, go find Sophia, I know you didn't mean it, but you fucked up lad...Carter, go rest and I'll bring you some food. You like nandos? Nandos always cheers me up." Niall grins at me.

"You're right....are you sure that you'll be okay, Carter?" Liam turns and stares into my eyes. My stomach doing little summersults.

", go." I stumble over my words before pushing him out the door.

"I'll be back soon, promise." I hear him from the other side of the door.

"You like him, don't you?" Niall gives me this suspicious smirk and I almost choke on my own spit.

"No. He's with Sophia. Have you been listening at all?" I roll my eyes at the Irish boy.

"That doesn't mean anything.  Pretty sure Selena Gomez is my soulmate and she's been in a relationship with whatever his name is for like years. Doesn't mean you can't like someone." He laughs.

"Shut up, aren't you supposed to be going to get food anyways?" I ignore him.

"Yes but don't think were changing the subject, we'll talk about this when I get back." He tells me as he grabs his wallet. "I'm serious."

I sigh as I head back into my hospital room. Glad that everyone was gone. I need time. Alone. To process whatever it was that was suddenly starting to feel.

Did I like Liam? I've only known him a short while, was that really enough time to develop feelings for someone.

No. Nope. No way.

I decided that what I was feeling was just a reaction to him helping me.

"Back." Niall's thick accent rings through the room.

He comes in with three bags and a drink carrier.

"Is someone joining us?" I laugh.

"If there is I need to get more food, I only bought enough for the two of us." He frowns.

"I was joking but oh my god why did you get so much?" my eyes nearly pop out of head as he starts pulling out all the various containers.

"I was hungry, and besides, this is nothing compared to what I usually back to the real issue at hand, Liam."

"I don't like him, Niall." I say more trying to convince myself.

"Bullshit. Its obvious the way you two look at each other. Carter, I've have been his best mate for five years and i can tell you this now, I've never seen him look at any of his girlfriend's the way he looks at you, Sophia included."

My throat rises, and for a moment I couldn't breathe.

"All this is so overwhelming. Between Kyle coming back, Louis hating me and now this realization about Liam. Its too much. Way too much to handle right now. Please just drop it." I almost feel the tears spill but I manage to hold it in.

"Fine. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, but when you're ready to face them or if you just need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya." he pulls me into a tight but friendly hug.

"Thanks, Niall. I just need a couple days to let everything sink in."

"I understand, now what do ya say? How about we dig in?" His smiles grows as he takes a bite of his chicken.

I can't help but laugh as I too start to eat, letting the delicious good distract me from reality. Even just for a couple hours.

A/N: Hi everyone (if anyone still reads this story.) I'm sorry this took so long to update but its finally here. I hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think, and as always remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed it. Shoutout to my two bitches Clara and kaylia for waiting patiently for me to update. Love ya both. Xoxo -San!

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