Chapter 9.

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"I think I might lose my mind if I'm stuck in here any longer." I groan to Liam. I was thankful that he was here keeping me company but after a week straight of being cooped up in this hospital room doing nothing but laying in bed, watching movie after movie, being bored would be an understatement.

"I agree, but the doctor says you still have at least two more days before you can be released." He says with a frown.

"I know....I'd kill for some ice cream right now." I sigh, hoping he gets my subtle hint.

"Well, I can go get you some." He suggests, getting up from his chair.

"No." I say rather quickly. "Then I'll be alone, and even more bored."

"Okay, so I'll just have one of the boys bring us some then, no big deal." He starts to get out his phone.

"No, it's okay." I shake my head, he clearly wasn't getting what I was trying to say.

"Are you sure?" He asks, a confused look coming across his face.

"Yeah. It's fine."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...I just...I really wanted to go get ice cream." I emphasize the word go.

"But you can't leave the hospital."

"Why not? Just for an hour or so. Its not like you're taking me out to an amusement park or to do something that can hurt me. Its just some ice cream." I try to convince him.

"You want me to sneak you out of the hospital?" He looks at me with a amused expression.

"Yeah, I mean, it's pretty harmless." I smile hopefully.

He doesn't say anything for awhile, and I assume he's contemplating on if he was going to do it or not.

"It's not illegal or anything right?" He asks me nervously.

"Nope." I grin, getting up from the bed.

"Fine, but only ice cream, then were coming right back." He warns, coming over to help me get unhooked from all the monitors.

"We're gonna get in so much trouble." He laughs, running his hands through his hair.

"No we won't. But I can't wear this out or they'll know I'm leaving, and I don't have any other clothes." I remember and frown.

"Hang on. I have an idea...what size clothes are you?" His eyes light up as he pulls out his phone.

"Okay, and medium."

"Lou, hey, can I ask you for huge favor? Okay, can you pick me up some women's clothes, size me at the Starbucks on Clark street in 20 minutes...great, see you then." He ends the call. "Problem solved." He grins.

"We can go?" I smile excitedly.

"Yes, just wear these until we get the other clothes." He hands me a pair of his sweatpants and a T-shirt.

I go change and fix my hair into a side braid so I look a little less dead. I felt like a zombie but I certainly wasn't going to look like one.

"Ready?" He questions when I get out of the bathroom.

"Yes." I walk over to wear he was standing.

"This is the worst thing I've ever done, oh my god. I feel like such a badass." He chuckles as we begin to leave.

We got out of the hospital with ease, nobody question us. Liam's face was priceless though, you would think we were about to commit a crime or something.

After a short ride in a taxi to the Starbucks down the road, Liam helps me out of the car and into the shop where we waited for whoever he was talking to on the phone. About five minutes later a middle aged women with blonde hair and a bag in her hand, comes up and hugs Liam.

"You're a life savor." He tells her with a smile.

"I know." She winks. "Are you gonna tell me why I went on this secret mission for you?"

"Well this is, Carter." He introduces me.

"Harry and Louis told me about you, its so nice to finally meet you." She says shaking my hand.

"You too." I smile back politely. She seemed really nice.

"Well, we kind of snuck out of the hospital so Carter can get some ice cream." Liam tells her.

"Liam James Payne, you rebel." She winks playfully.

"Shut up." He blushes. You could just tell that he never did anything bad. He was the type to follow the rules, and never get in trouble.

"Can I ask one more favor?" His face turns serious.


"Don't tell anyone about this. I don't want anyone knowing where we are. So if anyone asks, you know nothing." He tells her.

"Okay, my lips are sealed." She pretends like she's zipping up her lips and throwing away the key.

"You're the best." He hugs her again before she says goodbye to us both.

I take the bag and head into the bathroom to change. Whoever this girl was, she had pretty good taste. She packed an oversized tan jumper, with black leggings and a maroon scarf. I wasn't a fan of the combat boots she had with the outfit but I wasn't being picky. I was just happy that she was nice enough to bring me something else to wear instead of a nasty hospital gown.

"You look nice." Liam says sweetly, making my stomach turn a little. Compliments made me nervous. I've always hated them because I felt like the person was lying.

"Thanks, your friend did a really good job."

"She's our stylist." He tells me as he has me a pair of black sunglasses.

"Liam, it's November, what are these for?" I laugh as I give him a confused look.

"Trust me, you'll want them." He says putting his own matching pair on.

"Whatever you say." I laugh, ready to start this adventure that I knew would be something i'd never forget.

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