Chapter 10.

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"What would you like?" Liam asks as we look into the glass case of ice cream.

"Triple chocolate." I tell him with a smile.

"Good choice." He grins moving up to the counter to order since we're next in line.

"Hi, can I get two triple chocolate cones, please?" He tells the young cashier ringing us up.

"8.95." She tells us the total, then in hit me. I don't have any money on me.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I forgot I don't have any cash. " I blush, embarrassed.

"Hey, it okay, I got it." He reassures me as he hands the lady a credit card.

"No its not, I feel awful. I'm so sorry, I'll pay you back, I promise." I apologize again.

"Stop saying sorry, Its no big deal. Trust me, I think I can spare ten bucks." He winks playfully.

"Thank you." I don't argue anymore, knowing it won't do any good.

We get our ice cream then head back outside to walk around.

"This is great." He says after walking a few blocks.

"It is, I would eat it all day if I could." I giggle.

"Why don't you? You only get one life, I say live it as much as you can." He says licking his cone.

"I'm overweight, I shouldn't be eating sweets at all." I mumble, suddenly the creamy goodness doesn't taste as good as it did moments earlier.

"No you're not." Liam looks at me seriously.

"Yes I am, I'm gross and fat. " I close my eyes as the memories come flooding back.

"Go ahead and leave, do you really think someone would ever want your disgusting fat ass?"

"God, you might as well eat the whole damn cake."

"No, take that off you look like a fucking cow."

"Don't you think you should lose some weight? I'm tired of having a fat girlfriend."

Kyles words haunt me, like knives stabbing me over and over again.

"Woah, do we need to make you an appointment with the eye doctor? Because we must be looking at two completely different people." Liam stops and stares at me.

"You know what I love about New York?" I change the subject, not wanting to talk about the past anymore.

"What?" He gives me an intrigued look.

"You can walk by a hundred people, and each one has different story. That person might be having the best day of their life, while that person might be contemplating ending theirs. Yet in the crowded city, they all look the same."

"Wow..." He looks speechless.

"I sometimes likes to imagine what each persons life is like." I give him a faint smile.

"Oh yeah?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah." The surprised look on his face makes me giggle. "Pick someone."

"Okay, how about that lady over there." He points to an elderly woman about 50 or so who was dressed nicely in a skirt and blouse.

"Hmmm. Her grandparents were royal descendants from Ireland, but the Great Potatoes Famine of the 1800's forced them to relocate, so her whole family Immigrated here to New York and started a shoe business that her parents inherited and passed down to her."

"You came up with all that just by looking at her?" He chuckles.

"It kinda just comes to me." I laugh with him.

We walk some more, neither of us talking to much, both just enjoying the fresh air and silence.

"If you could do anything right now, what would it be?" He asks me unexpectedly.

"That's tough. The city has so much to offer, so many things to do and see...." I pause to think about an answer. "Probably see the statue of liberty."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it's weird, I mean I've lived here my whole life but I've never seen Lady Liberty up close." I reply, tossing my napkin in the nearest trash can.

"Let's go." He grins.

"What? I thought we had to get back?" I look at him like he's crazy, which he was kinda acting insane.

"You're already out, might as well make the most of the day, a few more hours won't make much difference anyway." He shrugs.

"You mean it?" A huge smile coming across my face as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him randomly.

"Absolutely. I'm always up for some adventure." He tells me happily.

We hail a cab and make our way to get tickets. I was so excited I was practically jumping up and down.

"This is incredible." I cover my mouth in amazement.

"Would you guys like me to take picture for you?" An older woman asks Liam and I.

"Uh. Sure." He says awkward handing the lady his phone.

He wraps his arm around my waist and we both smile for the shot.

"What a lovely couple you guys are." She compliments us as she gives him the phone back.

He thanks her as we both giggles slightly. After taking in the gorgeous view from the top, we decide to go check out Time Square and eat while were at it, losing all track of time.

I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Hell, I can't remember the last time I was even close to this happy. I didn't have to worry about Kyle or anything else. I could laugh and have good time. It was nice to just be normal for once.

"Holy shit." Liam's eyes go wide.


"Its 8 already and my phone died. We have to get back. Everyone is probably freaking out." His voice is filled with alarm.

We don't even make it into the hospital before were being yelled at.

"Where the hell were you?" Louis looks beyond pissed.

"Liam, baby I was so worried." An unfamiliar girl comes into the room and jumps into his arms.

"Sophia?" His face is unreadable.

"Its me, I came to surprise you but you went missing." She cries dramatically.

"I wasn't missing. Guys, calm down." He tells them all.

"Well nobody knew where the hell you were." Louis snaps at him.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault." I cut in, feeling terrible that everyone was yelling at him for something that was my mistake.

"Who the hell is this?" Sophia looks over at me with a bitchy expression.

"This is Carter." Liam introduces me as I step forward. He clears his throat before continuing. "Carter, this is Sophia, my girlfriend."

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