soo soorry

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I just wanna say that i dont think i will continue my writting becozz i think  soo many  people are not intrested in this book *sadnesss *

Wooo just a min dont you dare to think that i will free you from my books :-p i will try to update chapters as possible as

Now the main point is my finnal exams are on my way and i have to do projects and thats not enough  i have assignment as well as practicalls

Omg i am litterally  dying

I cant able to make any chap in between this days . but if i get time i will definately . i am sooo sorry my bunnys

I love yo soooo much and you too have to cooperate with me and do not hate me

Feeling soo bad now why i have that much work yaar but i will try to make on weekends .

Soo not make any faces my bunnys *hides in corner * doo love dhombros and mee tooo

Hope this day is a most Happy day for you

Stay happy and stay alhamdulilah

Byeee friends


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