Chapter 1

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"Lily, get your butt off your bed before you force me to do something physically hurtful." My mom pops her head into my room and speaks louder than my liking. She leaves the room without closing the door.

I groan. It's too bad that mom knows all too well what can wake me up, for example, threats in the morning, being loud, not closing the door.

I scream into the pillow as my alarm goes off. I roll over and switch it off. The worst part? Mom knows I keep an alarm but she doesn't trust me to get up on my own.

Producing a sound which I am sure is not human I try to get up out of my bed.

I try. As I step out of my bed I get tangled in the bed covers and fall.

A perfect way to start my day.

I finish my morning routine and quickly grabbing my bag, make way down.

Jason occupies one of the chairs near the kitchen counter and is in his 'everything is perfect for me' mood. Not what I needed.

"Helloooooo there sister!" He flashes me his teeth.

"Why are you so annoying in the morning." I grumble and shoot him a look.

"Someone's got there panties in a twist this morning." Jason teases, stuffing his face, just like the inner pig he is who everyone else fails to see.

I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"I can't wait for you to go back. At least that way, I can have my peaceful mornings back." I turn away from him, when my mom puts a plate filled with pancakes in front of me.

"More like boring mornings. You're just being Grinch and trying to steal everybody's happiness. You're jealous how happy we all can be." He says.

"It isn't even Christmas. The least you can do is find some good come back. And having you around is enough for me to be unhappy." I say.

"In our home, every day is Christmas. Happy and joyful. Having me around you will at least get some sunshine in you. I mean, look at me, I'm a goof ball. And now look at you, always grumpy and ready to snarl at anything which seems happy." He says.

"You have been around me for 17 years; I don't want you near me anymore. It didn't make a difference before, how will you think it will now?" I pour maple syrup on top of my pancakes and start devouring them.

"I feel pity for your future husband. Oh, wait, you won't even have one. I'd be surprised if you got yourself a boyfriend. And don't you worry about me being around you, I'll be off to university before you know it. Then you can sneak into my room and take my shirts. Anyhow, being around you is affecting my positive vibes. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" He bats his eyelashes at me.

I roll my eyes at him and focus on pancakes. Or I might do something I might regret.

"And you call me a pig. Look at how you are eating." He scrunches up his nose.

"Mom's pancakes are the best. Plus you eat them in such a sickening way. Be happy that I haven't thrown up on your face." I say taking another bite from the heavenly pancakes.

"Excuse me? I got first prize for well manners at the dinner table." He says.

"When you were six." I say.

"When doesn't matter. For what matters." He points the spoon at me.

"Okay, kids, cut it. As much as entertaining it is to see you both squabble at nothings, I have to get going. Lee, dear-" Jason snickers, seriously? "- you have to go with Jason to school today. I know that he won't mind dropping his sister at the school." She cuts off Jason, who was about to argue, silencing him with a look.

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