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Sometimes I wonder if people can die from choking themselves while laughing. If it never happened, I think it will sooner or later happen to me. It isn't often that I choke during a laugh, but if anyone ever has a person like my weird ass friends, these unimaginable circumstances might just occur.

Logically, I don't think it might be possible to choke and die while laughing, but in my defence I was drinking water when Scott had to be, well Scott.

"Do those even work?" I ask through my coughing fit.

"Maybe. But this might work only on the potterheads. Though there are a number of girls, like Summer herself, who won't get the reference. After all, it's way dirty than it sounds." He leans against the adjacent locker.

"Yeah like girls can't figure out what 'Are you a Harry Potter fan, because I want to Slytherin.' means." I roll my eyes at my best friend's logic.

"They don't! I tried on this girl at Toby's party. It was hilarious seeing her expressions change. First confused, then deciding what reaction to give, and lastly laughing that fake one which screamed that all she wanted was to get away from me." Scott chuckles.

"That must have been a sight." I laugh with him.

"If only she knew what the line meant." He sighs dreamily.

"You can never get laid, Scotty. It's too much of a work for you." I say.

"Shhh!! I don't want my reputation to get spoiled!" Scott whisper yells. I roll my eyes at him.

"Face the truth like a man. You didn't get laid since ever. Be proud to be virgin!" I hit his stomach.

"Who's a virgin?" Zac squishes himself in between.

"Spongebob." Scott dryly replies.

"Ooooohhhh! I always thought he wasn't!" Zac's eyes widen.

"That's just plain stupid." Scarlet closes her locker and joins the conversation. I'm sure she just heard the last part.

"You don't even know who we're talking about." Scott raises his eyebrows at her.

"And is that really important?" She asks.

"Uh, yes."

"Waddup the people who hate coconut chocolate cookies!" Al comes from behind, slapping Scott's and Zac's back and ruffling mine and Scarlet's hair.

Of course he would say and do that.

"Those things are disgusting." Scott shudders.

"And even though you know how much I love them and have the guts to say that to my face, I still love you." Al pats his back.

"Where's Jamie?" Scarlet looks around.

"Where else? Of course she'll be with the one and only Nick." I speak up.

"I swear, this year they will be attached to the hip." Al shudders.

"When have they not been?" Zac rolls his eyes.

"Oh, oh, there they are!" Scarlet points at them at the end of the hallway, where Jamie is leaning against the lockers and Nick in front of her, holding her hands as he tells her something at which Jamie starts laughing.

"Uh-oh. He shouldn't have made her laugh when they are standing so close. She's going to –" as soon as Al stops, Jamie, still laughing hard, hits her forehead with Nick's. " – hit his head." Al finishes.

We laugh at our way too predictive best friend.

"We still have a few minutes before the bell rings, say we go and trouble them?" Scott smiles slyly, turning to us.

As we make our way to the lovey dovey couple, Jamie notices us and probably recognizes the looks we have, as she starts dragging away Nick, who, of course doesn't budge being confused what's happening.

"Hey Nick!" Al ruffles Nick's hair, Scott pats a little too hard on his back and Zac pokes him in a very painful manner.

"Hey guys! Nice to see you after a long time." Nick clutches his head a stomach, giving us a strained smile.

"Aw, Nick, we live on the same street, and you still didn't come to the barbeque we had at my house this weekend. I wonder what you were up to all the time." Scarlet accuses.

"And, Jamie, you also weren't there! We had so much fun at Scarlet's! You missed a lot, girl." Zac exclaims.

"Guys, no." Jamie pleads us.

"Oh, wait. You were gone, Nick was gone. Did you both go...?" Al narrows his eyes at them.

"Which positions?" Scott looks at them, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I hope you used protection." Scarlet smirks at them.

"And even if you didn't, we all promise to take care of the child." Zac pipes in.

"If the baby's a boy, name him Al." Al says in a mocking serious tone.

"Can I be the godmother?" I raise my hand and look at them expectantly.

"Okay, stop guys!" Jamie groans, and hides her tomato red face in her hands. Nick nervously chuckles, scratching his neck.

We all start laughing at the embarrassed couple.

Jamie and Nick have been the it couple since the sophomore year of our high school. Long time. I know.

But they still have not gotten into a relationship. Jamie doesn't want to be in the scary word as she puts it.

The bell rings, making everyone scramble to their classes.


Edited - October 13, 2016

Hello there!

This is just an insight to Lily's life. Being honest, this isn't even prologue. But, whatever.

Anyhow, the story's gonna pick up from next chapter.


Good day/night!! :))


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