Chapter 6

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"Ugh! Curse the person who invented Math!" I say out loud. Studying is seriously not my forte.

It's Friday and Adam is at my house. We have been hanging out more because of both our moms and the drums tutoring, which I'm totally acing.

"Hey, that's an easy one." He peeks over my shoulder, seeing what question I am stuck at.

"You don't say that. Everything is easy for you. I don't get how you do it." I mutter.

"Do what?" Adam asks. He looks at me bemusedly for my sudden outburst.

I look at him. "Be good in everything. Sports, studying, music, name it. How do you do it? I can't even manage a simple homework." I point to the desk.

He chuckles and goes to get the other chair to sit beside me. "I have to work my ass off to balance everything and believe me it's super stressful." He says with a sigh.

I take a close look at him and think about the times he made it seem so easy.

"Then why do you do it?" I ask watching him intently.

"Do what?" He sits beside me.

"Why do you try to be perfect?" I ask.

I notice he is sitting a little closer than we ever have.

"I don't know. I-" He pauses and studies my face. His eyes soften and he swallows visibly before his face goes blank. Smiling he says, "I don't wanna talk about it. Plus, we have a bigger problem here. We need to get you finish the homework. And I know that if you don't finish it right now, I would get a call on Sunday night with a crying voice asking for my help. I definitely don't wanna ruin my Sunday." He says teasingly.

I roll my eyes but can't stop the smile forming on my lips.

I don't push the subject and let him change the topic.

"You're such a nerd." I tease him as he looks at the question.

"Pumpkin, I'm not nerd. I prefer the word Intellectual Badass." He says emphasizing on the last words.

"Now you're a badass?" I ask raising my eyebrow at him.

"Always was and always will be. Why, hard to believe?" Adam mirrors my expression.

"Well, I mean I was not made aware that unicorns were starting to be badass." I shrug.

He narrows his eyes at me giving me a glare. "Do I have to prove it to you?" He says implying not to mess with him. But we are talking about me and of course I love to mess with things.

"Ah! Now stop scaring the shit out of me 'Mr. Bad Boy'" I say in a fake scared tone.

"You bought this onto yourself. Don't be mad at me afterwards." He says as he turns my twirly chair to face him and start tickling me.

"NO! NOT THIS!" I say between my fits of laughter.

"Just admit I'm badass. You'll be off the hook." Adam says as he tickles me.

"NEVAH!" I say as he tickles me more furiously, if that's possible.


"Say it!" He says chuckling with me.

"YOU'RE EVIL!!" I spurt out between my laughter and gasps for oxygen.

"Wrong answer!" Adam says in a sing song tone.

Feeling like I would die if it didn't stop I shout "FINE! PLEASE STOP! OXYGEN!!"

He removes his hands from my sides and keeps them on the handles of my chair, hovering me as he waits for me to collect myself with a smirk on his lips.

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