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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Today we will have a special announcement for you told by a special person! FLEUR COME ON THE STAGE!" I jog on the stage bowing to everyone in the audience and made my way to the microphone

"Thanks, mister troll" I thanked mister Troll, I always liked his name... As he nodded and stepped aside leaving the microphone for me. "Hello WATTPAD!" I say in the microphone as we all cheer "mostly of you (everyone I mean) of you will be Violetta watchers and Jortini shippers, because if you arent; THIS IS A FUCKING FANFICTION!" well, that must be clear....

"What is the announcement?" someone from the audience asked

"Good question!" I pointed at the gril who asked "because maybe as you can tell, I wrote a new book and if you are cool enough to handle the hotness (that was a joke) you should swipe your finger over the touch screen and read AFTER YOU READ THIS" yeah, I made a speech, so what?

"Can we go on now?" a boy asked as I sighed

"Fine! Anyways enjoy and let the chickens be with you!" I screamed "now I will leave the microphone for mister Troll again"


Okey back to serious business, I wrote a new book! (Well I'm currently writing it but okey..) and like I said, just read the damn thing! It isnt great,but I'm trying to re-write it slowly! And because horse_rider_forever is a super sweet girl who offered to edit this book, we will make it better than the crappy thing it's now!

Anyways... Enjoy you're life and the story!

Tok tok!



Name: M a r t i n a  A l e j a n d r o   S t o e s s e l.

Age: 18  y e a r s  o l d.

Job: n o t  f o u n d.

m o t h e r: A n g e l  S t o e s s e l ( d i e d  i n   c a r  a c c i d e n t ).
F a t h e r : H e n r i c k  S t o e s s e l.

Status: B r o k e n.

Extra information: n o t  f o u n d.


how hard can it be? How impossible is it? How do peaple not realise that I'm just a human on this big world, one of the millions, I mean billions! I lived a long shitty life, with shitty moments in it but great ones too. Most of my past exist from beautifull memories, full of joy and happiness which I shared with my mother. But how would they know? How could they ever think about it when a small piece of my life was taken by an abusive dad?!

the answer is not.

they only see a girl who is broken, no they wont ever think you heal and they wont ever think you were once happy. the only thing they could see was your pain.

I don't understand peaple, so full of life and emotions, so full of smart ideas and friendships! but no, if one thing happens you have none of them. Friends thinking that they are dumb and shoul've known, but they didnt so they are not good friends anymore. Bye friendship. No parents to hold you in their arms and say they love you. Bye love. They think that you're always buzzy with doing things for the abuser and would never think, your brains stop working. Bye smart ideas. And as last; no emotions. Peaple think if you dont have anything to hold on, no friends, no love, no feelings.

you. are. numb.

so it doesnt matter anymore what they do, I mean why would they? you are numb anyways, an insult or two couldnt make anything worser. right?


so thats why I never told anyone. yes, I was affraid of my dad getting angry and that anything would happen to him. But the fright peaple would see you different then you are, is even more in the game. Peaple can hurt you because of what happened and peaple can insult you because of how you are unloved.

and on moments like this, I regret with every fiber in my body that the truth was spoken.

**chapter 41, My Rules, jortini_storywriter.**


Like I said before I'm buzzy with editting and there will be some confusing and bullshit parts in the story and I'm working really hard to get that fixed up.

Anyways, I hope you're exited for the story!


-xxx- Fleur

My RulesWhere stories live. Discover now