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Jimin's PoV(^or> is Neo)

It's the weekend and like I said I would take Yoonho to funworld which I did. I invited N and Leo if they wanted to bring Neo here and they agreed to it so I'm waiting outside the building with Yoonho waiting for them.

"Jimin! Yoonho!" N ran over to us while Leo had Neo in his arms.


We walked in once Leo caught up and Yoonho and Neo immediately took of their shoes and ran to the play bit.

"Yoonho and Neo really seem to like each other. They should have a sleepover!" N exclaimed, clicking his fingers. "Jimin would you like Neo to stay at your place or Yoonho to stay at our place?" "I don't have much kids toys so I'm alright with Yoonho staying at yours." I smiled. N 'yay'ed and ran over to the two boys.

"Does N get on your nerves sometimes?" I looked over at Leo. He shrugged. "Only when he wants something but can't buy it so he starts a tantrum." That is the most I've ever heard Leo say.

I watched the two kids, and N, jump in excitement. Yoonho ran over to me and hugged my legs.

"Thank you chubby daddy!" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "You're welcome Yoonho." He ran back and played with Neo and N.

My phone buzzed and saw a text from Taehyung.

Tae: I don't like my history teacher. He strict and he doesn't allow us to do what we want at the end (T-T)

Me: sorry blame mum. I'll visit at the summer holidays

Tae: you better someone misses you

Me: who?

Tae: not saying😜

I scoffed.

This kid. It must be someone at work like Gunwoo or Kwanghee. Most likely Kwanghee.

After watching the kids and N play we went to Pizza Hut. No one can ever get tired of eating pizza.

The kids played in the ball pit while waiting.

"You possibly don't wanna talk about him but what is Jungkook like?" N asked. I looked down at my phone with the background of me and Jungkook. I sighed and looked back up. "He's younger than me, 17. He's cute, sweet, talented. He can rap, sing, dance, he can do a lot of thing. He's also funny and likes to tease me about me height sometimes. He works out a lot. He loves Big Bang especially GDragon. He looks up to him a lot. He can name all of their songs off my heart. He knows all of the lyrics.." I stopped after hearing my voice crack.

"Oh my- are you gonna cry? I'm sorry . I-I just wanted to know about him." I smiled at N. "It's okay. I just miss him."

Pizza came and the boys ran over to us. I placed Yoonho next to me and placed a pizza on his plate. "After pizza you I'll get you ice cream okay?" Yoonho grinned and nodded.

N dialled a number on his phone and held it up to his ear.

"Oh sis! Would it be alright if Seokwon stayed at mine for the night?.. really?! Ah! Thank you!" He hung up and took a bit of his pizza.

"What was that? Who's Seokwon?" I asked. "Seokwon is Neo's friend. They always hang out." Leo spoke. N nodded. "Since Yoonho is gonna be staying at mine I thought that him and Seokwon should meet and know each other." I nodded.

Jungkook's PoV

"Kookie! Guess what?!" Taehyung came running through my hospital door. "What?" He showed me his phone but it was a bit close to my face so everything was blurry. I pushed it back a bit and read the message.

"Jimin's coming over here for the summer holidays?" I asked, shocked and excited. He nodded. "That means he's gonna come here to visit you! He'll possibly let you see Yoonho for the first time in person!"

I can't believe this. I'm gonna see Jimin again.

I almost started crying but stopped myself when the nurse came in.

"Oh hello Jungkook. Hello Taehyung." She bowed to us and we bowed back. "How are you feeling Jungkook?" She asked, checking my results. "I'm feeling much better. When will I get to leave?" She looked back up to me and smiled. "Quite soon. We just need to make sure that your legs are alright and when they are you will be able to go home." She explained.

I was told that there was something wrong with my legs and they could just basically die and I would never be able to walk ever again. It's because of what happened in the past and I have to not move them so much. I also need a wheelchair to go to the bathroom. It's not fun being in a wheelchair again. Some people might think it's fun because you're sitting down, going somewhere with someone pushing you so you don't need to do any walking but I miss walking. I miss dancing.

"I understand." She left and Taehyung looked at me. "Jungkook you okay?" He asked me with a worried face. I nodded. "I'm just tired." I lied. "I'll leave you alone so you can rest. I'll be back tomorrow." He left and I leaned back.

I hope I can get better for Jimin and Yoonho.

Mark's PoV
(slant when speaking is English)
I had just arrived in China and I'm already freaking out. It's only a few days until Christmas and I can't contain my nervousness.

"Mark!" I looked to see my Kyle. "Kyle!" I ran to him with my luggage and hugged him. "How are you?"

Kyle and I have been friends since young. We both moved here when we were old enough then I had to move to Korea for my audition but before that I may have punched someone. It was someone who bullied me in America for being Asian then I saw him coming out of JYP. The reason why I got into the Academy.

"I've been great! How have you been? Oh my god would you stop growing! I think you're taller than Yugyeom!" We laughed and he drove me to his place.

"Well this is my place. The bathroom is down the hall. As usual bedrooms upstairs. The big room is mine and Xiao's room, Ming should be somewh- OW!" I slapped him on the arm causing him to hold where I had slapped him.

"What the fuck Mark?!"

"Who's Xiao?" He scratched the back of his neck. "He's uh, he's my boyfriend." He spoke quietly. "Why didn't you tell me?! This whole time I thought you were eating ice cream with Ming watching Cdramas!" He laughed. "No no no. I haven't. I have been eating ice cream and watching Cdramas but with Xiao he should be home from work soon." I pouted and went to find Ming.

"Ming!" I ran over to her and picked her up. "Wah! You're so big now!" Ming is Kyle's shiz tzu(?). She's a white colour with grey patches.

(Bold slant is Chinese)

"I'm home!"

I looked towards the door and was Xiao come in. "Xiao! Mark hit me!" I gapped at what I just heard. Xiao looked at me and raised a eyebrow. "N-no. It was because he didn't tell me about you both. I didn't slap him that hard." I protested. Xiao laughed and slung his arm around Kyle. "It's nice to meet you Mark. Kyle has talked to me about you." I scratched my head in confused and chuckled. "It's nice to meet you too Xiao."

Hopefully them two can help me with proposing.

Finally a update! I'm better now except for a runny nose but that'll go away. I was stuck on what to write for this then I got an idea in my head so I hope you like this. Remember next chapter is Mark's proposal. Omg omg I can't wait to write that! Well bye bye! It's late here and I've got kdramas to watch xP

(I now hate this story fuck)

my teacher, mr park jimin | jikook (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now