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Jay's PoV

"While we wait for Jimin to sober up how about you introduce you two." Zico told her. "Alright I'm Noh Hye Sung and this is my son Noh Yoonho." Yoonho sat criss-crossed on Hye Sung's lap.

"Aish! Where's the aspri-" we all looked at Jimin. His ginger hair was a mess and his white shirt was wrinkled.

"Hye Sung. W-what are you doing here?" Jimin stumbled over and sat next to me. "I'm here because I'm leaving Yoonho with you." I watched Jimin's eyes grew. "What? Who's Yoonho?" Hye Sung scoffed. "Him." She pointed down at Yoonho. "That's Yoonho. Our son. Well yours now. I looked after him for 2 years now it's your time but you're keeping him. I don't want a kid and I never did. I'm only 21! I'm still young." She put Yoonho down and walked out the door.

"Alright spill." Zico started.

"Well when it was Jay's birthday me and Hye Sung were dating and we got drunk and I didn't know I got her pregnant. She never told me until now. I can't look after a kid. I have to start work tomorrow and I just don't know how to look after a child." He picked Yoonho up and stared at his face.

"Daddy!" Zico and I laughed at Jimin's expression. "D-Daddy?" Yoonho slapped his palms on Jimin's cheeks, squishing them. "Chubby Daddy!" We bursted out laughing and ended up on the floor.

"It's so true though! AHAHA!"

Jimin's PoV

"Yoonho come hold my hand. I don't want you getting lost." Yoonho waddled over and grabbed my hand. I have to buy him clothes and baby things.

"Ooh! Daddy daddy!" I looked down at Yoonho and he was jumping. "What is it?" I bend down so I was his level. "Can we go get toys?" I grinned and ruffled his hair. "Of course. Right after I buy you clothes."

I walked around the baby shop for the right clothes. "Do you like dinosaurs?" I asked. "Nu uh. They scare me. I love lions though!"

For a three year old he sure can talk a lot. Especially in English.

"Ah! He's so cute! What's his name?" I saw a mum run over to Yoonho. "Hiya! I'm Yoonho!" He smiled wide at her. "Aw~ you have a really cute baby." She smiled at me before turning. "Wait. Could you help me?" I asked. She turned back, nodding.

She helped me pick the right sized clothes and shoes.

"Thank you." We waved to her and stepped into the toy shop.

"Okay Yoonho. I'm trusting you to go pick your toys. Don't let anyone touch you okay?" He nodded and ran off.

"You new to this?" I jumped slightly at the voice next to me. I nodded. "Sorry. I was new to looking after a kid by myself. It's hard work but it's actually quite fun. Plus I have my boyfriend to help. I'm Hakyeon but call me N." I shook his hand.


Yoonho soon ran over with a lion plushie. "That's it?" He shook his head. "I really want this though daddy! Can I can I?" I smiled. I took it and also grabbed the other things he wanted, putting them up on the counter.

"Hello. I'm N." I looked back and Yoonho was getting along with N. "That will be $55.50." I paid the lady and grabbed the bag and the massive box.

"Oh! Here." N took the box off me and I thank him. "Where did Leo go?" We stopped in our tracks. "Daddy!" I picked Yoonho up and watched a tall, slim black haired man walk over to us. "Leo!" N ran to his side and I slowly followed.

my teacher, mr park jimin | jikook (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now