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Jennifer woke up in a hospital room. Monitors were beeping and lights were flashing. The loud screaming of the frantic nurses and doctors made her head throb with pain. She used both of her hands and pushed herself up so she was in a sitting position. Her vision was blurry, so she blinked 3 times to get her vision in focus. "Hey, hey hey, you need to lie down," Justyna said putting her hand on Jennifer's shoulder. "What happened?" She asked. She had no memory of the accident. All she remembered was fighting with Colin. "You were in a car crash," Justyna started. "Oh, hurt am I?" Jennifer asked. "Well, you got lucky. You have a concussion, and few bruises and scrapes," Justyna told Jennifer her situation. "I was alone when it happened right?" Jennifer asked obliviously. She didn't know that Colin was in the car with her. "Colin was with you too," Justyna started. "Is he alright?" She asked alarmed. "I don't know much. The doctors won't tell me anything about his condition. However, I think he got it a lot worse than you."
"I need to see him!" Jennifer started to throw off her blankets. "He just got out of surgery. They are only letting family see him," Justyna tried to put the blankets back ontop of her. "Surgery? That doesn't sound reassuring. Justyna I need to see my boyfriend," Jennifer yelled. "Shh. And you and Colin aren't exactly together right now," Justyna didn't quite know if she should be telling her this right now. "We were having a fight when it happened," Jennifer remembered. "Yes, you were. I left your house because you were being stupid and unreasonable," Justyna said. "Then I wanted to go for a drive. Colin saw me leave and insisted he come with me," Jennifer added to the story. This was all new information to Justyna. "I am so sorry to interrupt, but I have to check some things," a nurse came into a room. "Okay that's fine," Justyna smiled at her. The lady started to look at the machine Jennifer was hooked up to and wrote some things down onto her clipboard. "Has anything changed?" Justyna asked. "Nope, everything seems to be alright. The baby seems to be fine. You should be able to go home tomorrow," the lady smiled. "Sorry did you just say, baby?" Jennifer had a confused look on her face. "I was getting there," Justyna blushed. "You are pregnant Jen congrats," Justyna hugged her. "I'm pregnant? This can't be true," Jennifer started to cry. "Those are happy tears right?" Justyna laughed. "I think so," Jennifer giggled. "I can't wait to tell Colin!"

The next morning Jennifer's doctor signed her release papers. The first thing Jennifer wanted to do was go see Colin. When Jennifer arrived at his room the doctor told her that the sugary went well, but he was now in a coma. They expected him, to wake up within a week or so. However, the longer it took him to wake up the worse it would be. The doctor also warned her that he might have some memory loss.

Jennifer sat in the chair next to his bed. She held his hand while she talked to him. "Hey, baby. I love you. I regret all of the horrible things I accused you of. I know you love me. I shouldn't have doubted our relationship. I will love you forever. Now I have some exciting news for you, but you are going to have to wake up in order to hear it," She squeezed his hand. "I am going to go home to have a shower and bring back some clothes. I will be right back, and I promise this will be the only time I leave you until you get outta here," Jennifer kissed him on the lips and left.

When Jennifer got home she immediately grabbed some clothes from her drawers and put them into her duffel bag. She didn't care about if the clothes matched or if they were ugly. She just wanted to get back to Colin as fast as she could. Then she took a quick shower. She didn't even dry her hair. She put it into a messy braid. She quickly got dressed and headed out the door.

"Has anything changed?" Jennifer asked Justyna when she got to the hospital. "Jennifer it has only been one hour since you left," she rolled her eyes. Justyna promised to stay with Colin while Jennifer went to her house. She wanted to make sure that someone was with him the entire time. "I am going to go back to your house now. I will grab some clothes too," Justyna said. "Okay I will be here," Jennifer said. "I know you will, and don't worry I am sure he will be fine. you heard what the doctor said," Justyna hugged Jennifer then left.

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