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"Did you hear anything that I just said?" Jennifer furrowed her eye brow.

"Yeah, I want to meet him," Avery smiled.

"He doesn't know about you," Jennifer said strongly.

"Then I guess he will find out," Avery smiled.

"Avery I don't even have his phone number," Jennifer tried to make an excuse. She didn't want Avery to meet Colin. She knew that Avery was going to get her heart broken because Colin would not want to be a dad to her. He didn't remember being with Jennifer. Jennifer also knew that if she saw Colin again it would be just opening a scar for her. She was in a good place right now and she didn't want to ruin that.

"Well I am sure that you can find out," Avery was starting to get angry. She wanted to met her dad and she was going to do whatever it took to meet him.

"Avery you are not meeting him and that is final," Jennifer said strongly.

"I deserve to meet my dad, and he deserves to meet his daughter. If you ever looked Colin then you would have told him. You would have fought for him," Avery yelled at her mom and then stomped off to her room.

"Avery come back here!" Jennifer yelled at her, but it was too late she had already gone into her room and locked the door. Jennifer regretted not taking the lock off the door when they bought the house.

For the rest of the night Avery wrote in her journal. Her journal was full of letters to people that never got sent. However, when she wrote the letters her intentions were never to send them. Today Avery was wring to her dad.

Dear Dad,

I can't believe that mom kept you a secret. I want to get to know you. Mom says that you don't remember her and that you don't know about me, but I feel like that once you see mom again you will remember. How could you forget her? Mom said you were in a Coma for a long time, but she was the love of your life. Also, mom says that you have a wife. I cannot believe that she would not tell you the truth. Your whole life is a lie. You are married to the wrong person, and you have a daughter. I want to meet you. I want you to remember. I want you to be my dad.


After Avery wrote her letter to her dad she decided to write an angry letter to her mom.

Dear mom,

Why didn't you tell me? I have grown up all this time without a father. I always respected you when you said that you didn't want to talk about my dad. I thought that he was dead or something, but he is alive. I never questioned you mom... I wish that I had. Then maybe I could have a dad. Maybe you would be married to him. He might have remembered. We could be a family.... But you never told me the truth. I had to dig myself. I am going to meet my dad no matter what, and you can't stop me!


The next week school Avery was in a bad mood. She had spent the entire night crying her eyes out. Her mom didn't even ask her if she was ok in the morning. However, Avery knew that she was a good at hiding her feeling. Her mom probably just thought that she was fine now. The truth was that Avery was never "fine". She hadn't been for a while. Sometimes she wished that she could open up to people and tell them how she felt. what would they do? Avery knew how to fix her thoughts. She did all the right things. She did mindfulness when she felt anxious. She did breathing exercises too, so what would a councillor do? Also maybe her thoughts and feeling were just part of growing up.

Her first class was PE. As soon as she walked into the Change room she was greeted by the laughter of Ariana. Avery felt a ping of hurt. Avery and Ariana had a rough year the year before. They had become friends, and they stopped talking. It was a huge misunderstanding, but Avery was not keen on becoming friends again.

Avery and Ariana were from two different worlds. Ariana is the perfect girl. She is funny, witty and can become friends with basically everyone. Avery was more shy and didn't like to talk to people who she didn't already knew.

In PE class they were doing a unit in hand ball. Today was the last class, so try we're having a tournament. Avery and Ariana were on different teams, so Avery was determined to beat Ariana's team. It was like that in every class. Avery always wanted to beat Ariana at everything. She wanted to prove to herself that she was better than her or at least just as good as her. I guess you could say that Avery was jealous of Ariana, but Avery understood that everyone had their strengths and weaknesses. Ariana just bought out the worst in her. Avery was not in the mood to deal with Ariana right now. After everything that had happened with her mom and finding about her dad Avery did not want to have to deal with Ariana stuff.

The rest of the day Avery was mad at the world. Ariana got of her nerves all day and Avery was not able to concentrate, her mind kept wondering to all of the reasons why her life was horrible right now. After school she had ultimate, and Avery knew that this day could only get worse. 

Sorry for not updating in a while. I have been super busy with school. I hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

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