Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Abbie's POV

"Lux told me what you and Lou were talking about, I’m guessing you hate me now" Louis said sadly.

"What? I don't hate you. I'm so happy I found you. Ever since I left I’ve missed you" I told him

"Really? I thought you hated me, I kept having flash backs do you remember the first time we met?" Louis asked


My mum had just died and my dad was in a bad mood. He wacked me across the face while shouting,


I was only 8 years old so I wandered off into the garden. I started to quietly cry to myself when suddenly a ball hit me on the head. There was a small hole in the fence to my right and a small boy crawled through it. It was quite dark so when he saw me he got a fright. I hoped that he couldn't see my tears but me having my luck he obviously did see them.

"Are you alright?" he said in his English accent.

I nodded my head; I didn't want to cause this stranger trouble. I had learnt that from my mother, keep your problems to yourself, no one else needs to know.

"Well it doesn't really look like it" he said as he sat down next to me.

Why was he still here? He had his ball now, why did he have to get into my business? He just wants to help I told myself. Great talking to yourself, first sign of madness and I was only 8. I turned my head to look at him. He looked about 10, had brown hair and blue eyes. While I was looking at him he spoke again.

"Hi I’m Louis. Do you wanna tell me what happened? I swear I wont tell anyone. Was that your dad shouting at you?" he asked me in the most sincere voice I had ever heard.

I really didn't want to answer and I was arguing with myself over it. I really needed to talk to someone soon or else I would probably end up like my mother. When I thought about her a fresh round of tears started and before I knew it I answered Louis.

"Yes" I said.

I knew that this didn't really sum up most of his questions but I couldn't think of anything else to say. He moved closer to me and said to me yet again,

"Do you wanna tell me about it? I promise I won't tell"

After that I couldn't handle it any more. I started sobbing into his shoulder as he awkwardly rubbed my back and I told him everything. Even things that weren't relevant to this situation like my favourite food and stuff. Every single thing that I could remember I told him and he didn't say anything or do anything he just listened and from then on he was my friend, my best friend.


Louis went under his bed and pulled out a photo album. I snuggled up to him and we looked through it. It had all the pictures from the past of me and Louis, most of them were funny. In one of them Louis had his jeans on his head. There were also some sweet ones, like the one where Louis had given me his jumper because I was cold. When we got to the last picture a tear streamed down my face. (A/N lol, "and the tears stream down my face" :) sorry back to the story-H) It was me and Louis the day I left.

Louis wiped away my tears and looked me in the eye. He slowly moved in and I felt his lips touch mine, he put his hands on the back of my head and then moved slightly so that we were in the perfect position. We were brought out of our kiss by...

"WE'RE GETTING NANDO'S, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Niall said while banging on the door.

Louis and I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I'll kill him later." Louis muttered under his breath.


HELLOO!!!!! I'm very happy today XD idkw. So guys...vas happenin?!?. I hope you r enjoying the story so far!!!!!!!. In the next chapter something happens...but I can’t tell you what or Hufflepuff might hurt me ): Byeeeeeee. M XXXXXXXXXXXX love you guys!!!

Hello. I have a headache, my foot is sore and I am hungry. But writing this always makes me feel happier. So I just wanted to say, OMG M SOMETHING HAPPENS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER ,NO CHIS(!) we may not be able to write for a couple days by the way because I have to do stuff but I still lurve you guys, like so much:). HUFFLEPUFF 

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