Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Abbie's POV

After the date Louis took me home and we both kissed goodnight. He seemed happy for me when I told him about the fact that I might be having a new job but I’m not sure whether his smile was real or just plastered on so I wouldn't feel bad. He told me that I should take the job, I wanted to but I wasn't really sure. It wasn't that I didn't trust Louis but I needed someone that would be completely honest with me and not say anything that they thought I wanted to hear. I went to sleep and dreamt about our date and other random stuff like rainbows.

The next day I knocked three times on Lou's door hoping she would hurry up as it was cold and rainy outside. After standing outside for what felt like a whole day Lou arrived at the door and let me in. She looked sort of surprised to see me, I normally phoned before I came up. She led me to the kitchen where it looked like she was baking. Lux was mixing something in a bowl and she had cake batter all over her face. Lou had an apron on and she walked over to Lux grabbed the bowl and poured out the mixture into a tin. I watched her while she put the tin into the oven. When she had done this she said,

"So what's up, you wanna talk to me about your big date with Louis" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

After she said this Lux made a disgusted face knowing where this was going and walked out the room. I turned back to Lou and said.

"Em, well something along those lines." I said not sure how I was gonna tell her.

Would she be mad that I was leaving her after only working for a little while? She just stared at me waiting for me to continue. When I realized this I told her about Louis and mines date and about the job and the phone call I got. She didn't say anything the whole time I was speaking. When I was finished speaking she asked,

"So when are you starting your job with The Wanted?" 

"Well I actually wanted to ask you about whether you think I should take it or not. I mean I don't even know who they are." I said

"You said that this guy who called you, eh... Mat or something, you said he sounded and I quote 'awesome'. Look don't feel bad about leaving me I’ll be fine I can handle the boys." she laughed

"So you think that I should take it?" I asked

"I do but I don't want you to take it if you don't want to. It’s your decision no one else's."

Great, this conversation had gotten me no closer to deciding. After we talked I said thanks to Lou and went home. I crashed onto my bed and lay there with my mind blank. What was I gonna do?

After a while my phone started to ring and I answered it. It was Max, he asked me a lot of questions and we talked for a while. I then told him that I would take the job...

Louis POV

After the date I gave Abbie a kiss goodnight and drove home, it was actually the first time I had said good bye to Abbie since she’s been our stylist because she always just leaves a note. When I got up Zayn was watching TV and I knew Dani was here because her jacket was on the table, Niall was eating and Harry was sitting at the kitchen table playing on his phone. Harry turned around and had a big smile on his face.

"How was it? Did you kiss her?" He asked excitedly

“That doesn't matter, Abbie's gonna move away with the unwanted anyway" I said

That made everybody turn around and give me a what the fuck look, I told them that she's gonna be their stylist and then walked off into my room. I just closed my door and threw myself on my bed...I wish I could just tell Abbie not to go, but that wouldn't be the right thing to do...


That's right Abbie is gonna take the job...or is she? hahahha me and Hufflepuff are the only ones that know. XD. M xxx

This in normally where Hufflepuff would put her an but she just left and did not have time sorry for any mistakes I had to write Louis POV all by myself ): bye guys. XX

Hi guys Hufflepuff here I have to make this quick because M didn't want me to edit the chapter but I did mwah ha ha:D I just wanna say ignore M's A.N because it doesn't make sense. I mean she literally just told you Abbie is taking the job, I mean Duh .Ok have to go now bye love yous and hopefully I won't die HUFFLEPUFF XXXXXXXXX

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