Hogsmade date

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"Hey Aster do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"Fred asked as we walked into the common room.

"Sure,what time?"I asked.

"About ten,sounds good?"he asked and I smiled up at him.

"Sounds perfect."I said pecking his lips.

"Well,good night princess.See you tomorrow."he said kissing my forehead and walking over to the staircase.

"Night Freddie."I said as I walked up the stairs."Oh Fred?"I said as I walked back around the courner to see my boyfriend of almost five months doing some crazy dance in front of the fireplace.I started laughing at his dorkines as he stopped and laught with me.

"Yes princess?"he asked when we stopped laughing.

"What should I wear?"I asked.

"Umm,I don't know.Maybe a skirt or something."he said.

"K see you in the morning.Night!"I said going back up the stairs.

"Night princess."he said blowing me a kiss and I caught it and planted it on my lips.

The next morning

My alarm clock and I groaned but got out of bed non the less.I went trough my suitcase and my make up bag.

I picked out a black,flowey skirt with a pair of knee high,knited socks which I paired that with a red dress shirt which which had a lose bow around the neck.For my shoes I just wore my small heeled timberlands.

For make up I put on a little BB cream and some eye liner.

I was done and headed down stairs to find all my friends all ready there and ready to go.

"Took you long enough."Hayes said grining at me.Him and Cam,Matt and Will were turned to the girls staircase.

"Well don't you look dashing."Matt said smirking at me.

"Doesn't she always?"Will said winking at me.Everyone else turned around to look at me.

"I fell like I have to change now."Alicia said as I walked over to the couch.I rolled my eyes at her and sat down on the couch next to Fred.

"Morning love."he said kissing my cheek.

"Morning hun."I said kissing his.

"Shall we?"he said.

"We shall."I said taking his hand and walking towards the portrait hole.
Once we walked past Flich we took of towards the village.

"So what are we doing today?"I asked.

"Well we will be going to Zonko's then we will go to the Three broomsticks."he said.

"Sounds amazing."I said as we continued walking in a very comfartable silance.

"Fred?"I asked.

"Yes baby."he said.

"Did you notice Quirrile has been acting kind of weird?"I asked my eyes following our Defance against the dark arts teacher who was maybe ten feet in front of us.

"Yeah I think that he is up to something."he said.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"I asked.

"Yep,lets go."hes said taking my hand as we followed Quirrile.

"Where in the world is he going?"I whispered.

"I have no idea."Fred whispered back.He took another two turns and we entered an amazingly dark street.

When Two Pranksters Fall In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now