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Today was October 1 and I was heading to King's cross with the Griers.We were leaving for Hogwarts today.As soon as I set foot on the platform 9 3/4 I gasped and my eyes filled with joy.There were so many people there,standing around a big scarlet train.

"That is the Hogwarts express."Hayes whispered in my ear and I grined even wider.When I took my eyes of the train I spotted a boy with messy black hair.He looked like the men in my dream only his eyes were emerald green.Is that my brother?I walked up to the boy,wanting to greet him.

"Hi,I'm Aster Potter."I said offering a hand,he just looked at me like I grew another head."Yes I'm your sister."
He hugged me tightly and I grined wider then I ever did.Finally,I got a little bit of my real family.

"What year are you in?"I asked.

"My first year,you?"he said.

"My third year."I said.

Just then the whistel blew and I took Harry's hand and draged him to the scarlet train,saying goodbye to everyone on the way.Once we were on the inside of the train,I looked for a compartmant where my friends were.I found it.The two red head twins and a brown haired boy.I noticed another boy in there.He had dredlock.I just srugged and went inside.

"Hi guys!"I said sitting down next to Fred and opposite of Hayes.

"Lee,this is our friend Aster."Hayes introudused me and I waved at Lee.

"Oh so that is the girl our Freddie wouldn't stop talking about.Good to meet you."he said grining and I swear that I saw Fred blush and glare at Lee.I blushed a little and looked at Hayes who wigled his eyebrows at me as I glared at him,making him laugh.We talked for the rest of the train ride and they managed to take my mind of everything.Once we arived at Hogwarts it hit me.Why was I even freaking out?I preformed in front of about a million people on stage.I was being redikulus.

A woman in green robes and a hat to match aproached me.

"Good evening,miss Potter.I'm professor McGonagall,Transfiguration teacher and head of Gryffindor house.I will escort you to the Great Hall where you will be sorted.Your house will be like your family for your time being at Hogwarts.You will study with them,take classes with them and have fun with them.Seeing as you won't hear professor Dumbledors speach I am warning you that the Forrbiden forest is strickly out of bouderies to students as well as the third floor,right wing corridor.Now you will wait here untill you hear your name being called."she talked the whole way towards a big castle.My jaw flew wide open when I saw it.It was so gorgeus.All the towers and the widows were glowing with lights.Once we were in front of a big door,she left me to wwit there.I heard a familiar voice start a speach.

"Another happy news.This year we have a student that will be joining us.She will be atending her third year and we yet have to find out which hoise she belongs to.Students,please giva a warm welcome to our new student,Aster Potter."Dumbledor said and I opened the door wide,stepping inside.I gasped at the scenario in front of me.The ceiling was under some sort of spell which made it look like it was the outside sky.There were four tables,two on my right and two on my left.All the students were looking at me and whispering but I just walked toward the professors table.

"Miss Potter,when ever you are ready, sit down."McGonagall said.I emidiatly went to sit down,walking over to the stool with more confidance then I was felling.Before she put the hat on my head I stole a glance at the table on the far right.Gryffindors.I looked at my friends,who were all putting two tumbs in the air and grining wide.I grined aswell as McGonagall put the hat on my head.

"Intersting,the Potters oldest child.You surly don't lack bravery or mischief.I see you value friendship and would do anything for people that matter to you.But then there is your mothers brain.You would make a fine Ravenclaw only if you weren't that mischievous.There are big things to come in your future,that is for sure.You have a dissire to prove yourself.Slytherin would help you on the way to greatness.To bad you have to much love in your heart.Right,I belive there is only one place for you.You,my dear,belong in GRYFFINDOR!Good luck!"a raspy voice spoke in my ear.

My grin grew wider as McGonagall took the hat of my had and the Gryffindor table cheared.I ran over and hugged Hayes,Harry,Will,Nash,George and Fred.

I sat down and the fiest started.A few other third years intoduced themselves.Their names were Alicia,Angelina,Katie and Lee.I also met Fred and George's younger and older brothers,Percy and Ron.I was quite enjoying myself with my group of frends.We headed towards the Gryffindor tower all together.We sat around the fireplace for a little bit,just talking.Around ten o'clock we went to our dormitories.I couldn't fall asleep.I was tosing and turning but couldn't sleep.I decided to go down stairs hoping that the boys were still up.Once I was in the staircase I heard voices from the living area.I recognized Hayes' and Fred's voices.

"You like her don't you?"Hayes asked and I got bet red in the face.

"How did you know?"Fred asked shyly.

"I have known you both for long enough and belive me,mate,she is all your's." Hayes said in a victorius tone.

"Wait you two aren't?"Fred asked.

"No,Freddie,she is like a sister to me and to her I am nothing more then a brother."Hayes laught lightly.

"How do I ask her?"Fred said and I blushed madly.

"I don't know.Just don't go over the top.She hates when people try to hard.And Fred?"Hayes said.

"Yes?"Fred said.

"She likes you too.Night."Hayes said.

"G'night."Fred said and I could hear the grin in his voice.

I waited for a little bit then walked downstairs.

"Still haven't gone to bed?"I asked,walking over to the couch to sit down.

"Um no.You?"Fred asked.

"Couldn't sleep."I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey Aster,I wanted to ask you something."Fred said looking down at me,our eyes meeting.

"Spill."I said,looking down at my lap.

"Ok well I was wondering if you would maybe want to be to be my girlfriend.I mean you don't have to or anything.I totally get it..."he started blabering and I put my lips gentaly on his.Maybe hard to belive but this was my first kiss.I was as magical as everyone said it would be.

"Fred,I would love to."I said grining.He grined wider then I ever saw anyone grin.
I heard chears in the staircase and turned around to see Hayes,Nash,Will,George and Lee in the staircase chearing amd wolfwhiseling.

"Seriously?"I asked when I saw Hayse's phone in his hand,obiously filming.

"Yep."he said proudly stoping the video and putting his phone away.

"Well I'm going to bed now.Night idiots,night Freddie."I said hugging Fred and sticking my toung out at the other boys.I went up the stairs to my dorm and went inside.Once I closed the door I slid down it.I was indescridably happy.

Fred's POV

Once Aster was gone I fell back on the couch,leting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.I got the girl.I closed my eyes and grined.She fit so well in my arms it just left me speachless.The guys came down and sat around me.

"So little Freddie got the girl?"Will said teasing me.I grined even wider,not opening my eyes.

"I see you are happy Freddie.Thinking about the wedding?"George asked and I sat up opening my eyes and smacked him on the head."So I was right?"he said and I glared at him.

"Nothing you all say can ruin this day."I said laying back down.

"Ok Freddie we will leave you now.Dream about your love."Nash said.I grined and felt myself drift of the sleep.

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