Story 28

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Today's story is about. Your favorite stuffed toy and what dark side it has about it. So enjoy

A few years ago. My sister had bought me a giant sock monkey. And being a big kid as I tend to be I loved it on the spot. But I will soon realize the one thing that I love. Will soon be part of my nightmares so as the days turn into months and months turn into years. I still have the sock monkey it would just sit in a chair that I had placed him in. And there he will stay at least I thought sometimes I would find the monkey. And weird sitting formations sometimes his legs will be crossed. And sometimes so will his arms but I tried to ignore it considering I have friends who would mess with me sometimes. And they like to fuck with my stuff but more more the days went by the sock monkey

Not only change his positions but change his location as well usually I would catch the monkey. Sitting on my couch other times sitting in my favorite chair. Again I thought that my friends were messing with me. But soon to realize my friends haven't come and visit me in the last few weeks. I'm not the type of man to be paranoid late that. But the more I leave the room and return. Let monkey would change his location and his sitting arrangements so I thought. I would go out and buy two smaller sock monkeys and place them on his lap. And see if that would make any difference but yet again I was wrong because. As I left them alone for a few hours as I went out but when I got home. I saw something very very disturbing the one small sock monkey was knocked to the ground

And looked like he was ripped open. Like some animal had got a hold of that small monkey but that was not the most disturbing part the second small monkey I found hanging from the ceiling fan. From a noose that was fashioned out of a bedsheet. When I saw this really disturbed really really disturbed. Because there's no way anyone break into my house because before I left I locked it down. Like four knocks and that's when I realize if it was my friends this sick joke has gone too far. And I was not amused anymore so as I cleaned up the mess that was left. I had caught something in the corner of my eye I swear and that thought monkey move. When I mean he moved it looked like he lifted up his arm to cover up his mouth as he was pleased. What he had done at first I thought that I was exhausted and tired because I had a long night. Haying out with friends

So I went to change my clothes and went straight to bed. Until the next morning I woke up to the most terrifying site I have ever witnessed the monkey was hovering over me as he was watching me sleep. The most terrifying moment in my life just got worse and it just keep getting worse. So I try ignoring the stuffed animal but none purveyed because the more I try to ignore it. The more it makes himself known to me but the most terrifying part was when I looked into it deep dark black eyes. They didn't look like stuffed animal eyes they begin to look like deep dark pits of despair and this scared me so much. The more I try to get rid of that stuff animal. It just keeps coming back like it's mocking me torturing me to no end and some nights. I can hear a demonic giggle coming from that damn toy. At this point I'm about to lose my mind. Because the more more I try to get rid of it somehow in some way it keeps finding its way back.

So until this very day it still sits in a chair. Smiling That demonic smile with no and of the torture so my advice to you. If you have a favorite toy that you cherish so much make sure you keep it happen because you never know when you will become its plaything

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