Story 36

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The insanity

All my life I've been alone. There's a reason behind this those I get close to. I kill there's no explanation for what I do. I just do it because I can and I will. Maybe it's the thrill behind or the rush. That's why I preferred to be alone I'm always alone. Can't even find love if I do I and up killing her as well. Call me crazy insane horrible monster of a person. Whatever you like it can't be more closer to the truth than it already is. I love killing don't get me wrong but it isn't like I want to in the same breath. It's just a urge a addiction that I cannot kick.

I will always like this oh no not always. I was such a good little boy so kind and sweet. And then one day I just snapped starting with my little sister. I don't know why I didn't she did not even provoke me. She was just in her room having a tea party with all her stuffed animals. And that's when I had a thought popped in my head. Kill her it was so loud telling me to. So I took my baseball bat and bashed her pretty little head in. Such a rush my first kill them I wanted more. My mother was the second one I took a kitchen knife. From the covered and while mommy had her back turned. I stabbed her in the back as she fell to her knees. She started to scream I didn't want her to wake up daddy. So I slashed her throat how much of a mess I made. But it was beautiful away all that blood splattered everywhere. I thought to myself is this what I artists felt like when they first picked up a paint brush.

That's what I thought I was an artist. My killing became an art form. At least to me it did after I bask in the glory of what I did I made my way to my father. Still asleep in the bed one of his after work and nap's. He always took naps right before dinner too bad he won't wake up anymore. He was a carpenter and kept his tool bag. Next to the bed so I pulled out his hammer and one mighty swing and crushed his skull like a coconut with no shame or remorse for what I did. I thought to myself I must have more so I left home and been running ever since. Going to place to place finding new victims to kill. I remember one woman walking her dog home I strangled her and snapped a dog's neck. And laughing while I did it

Then my next victim such a naïve man. So gullible I pretended to be hurt and asked for help. He was much obliged to help me some people are so stupid. Not knowing what will happen next so as he went to call for an ambulance on his mobile phone. I took a pair of brass knuckles and hit him right in the temple. But I did not stop there I started to gouge out his eyes. And bust out his teeth and snapped his fingers into pieces. How I love it when they scream one person's pain is another person's pleasure. So I continue to torture him until he finally stop breathing

Time flies when you're having so much fun. I've been doing this for a long time and not planning to stop. The police even try to catch me once but I managed to get away. Hell those stupid pigs wouldn't catch a doughnut if it was right in front of their face. So far I'll keep killing until I die at least if I die. They say evil can never die at least I hope that's true so the next time. You see someone new that it isn't me coming after you. So until next time we meet I might just be at your feet. Yours truly the inside

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