Story 40

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                                      Already in hell

For the past hundreds of years. Even before religion people have wondered is there a heaven or hell. No doubt there is a heaven and there is most definitely a hell. But what if I tell you you don't go to hell when you die but instead you are already in hell. You might disagree with me and this might cause a political debate against religion. But think of it this way nowadays where ever you turn there is more death and more destruction. Each time you wake up and open your eyes. You may think this is normal for earth but did you ever stop and really think. That hell is what you make of it

For example a loss of a loved one. Car accidents terrorist attacks torture of any kind that you can think of. Exist right here right now any torture comes in different shapes and sizes. So does hell some of you may disagree some of you may think I'm crazy for saying such things. But is it not true every time and any place you lie your head and rise. Nothing gets better but worse you are probably going to say that's everyday life. But is it truly everyday life or is it what the hell is all about

Hell is a place of torture and despair. Where people spend a thousands upon thousands of lifetimes of torture and misery. Isn't what we live in doing to us now. I mean a person can spend attorn in hell until their sins are redeemed. And there's only one way out of that going up. And the people who cannot take it anymore in hell. Simply kill themselves. But that will be too easy when you kill yourself you won't go to heaven. You will easily be reborn back in hell. To relive your life. Until it's time for you to go to heaven. This may sound like ramblings of a mad man but is it truly or is it the truth

When people say life is not easy. They were telling the truth but was it about this life or the next. No one will ever know bunch somewhere in the back of your mind you have the distinct feeling that something is not right. And you are correct something is not right therefore that will keep you wondering. Will keep you eat up inside until you simply break. Therefore hell I know I'm living in hell and so do you about your self. But that's just my opinion you don't have to really take my word for it. All you have to do is be self-aware of your life and how your life will take place. Your wife may be good now. But that will be your undoing very soon. And other people will think how can this be helpful in my life is good is your life good. Or is it good to point where it tortures you to point where you think it's wrong. Where you think that it cannot get any better but instead it gets much much worse

So my advice to you live life the way you wanted. Anytime any place because the devil is always with you. Even in good fortune or disgrace

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