Story 43

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                     The disturbing stuff on the deep web

Hello my name is Chuck. And the story I'm about to tell you is very disturbing. I know there is a lot of stories about the deep web. But you have not heard my story yet. One night when I was hanging out with my friends getting plastered and high. I heard one of them mentioned something about the deep web. They said there is very disturbing things on there which the likes of people have never witnessed before. And I asked him what should I do to get on the deep web. Of course I knew that answer by watching many stories about the deep web. You would have to Access tour and go through a lot of complicated excesses.

So one night I decided to take a look. Souped-up my computer so it would not be traced by any law enforcement. And I got right to work. As I was going through the deep web I have seen some odd and bizarre things. Like human trafficking drug dealers. And occasionally your unauthorized market of military grade weapons. But nonetheless I kept looking and searching. July, crossed a little chat room/sideshow

When I went in it and noticed it was a lot of interesting people in it. Now when I say interesting I mean that in a psychotic type of way. And then I have heard one of them in the chat room. They mentioned something about a show later. And the other one applied yeah man I can't wait to see it. I hope it was good as the last one. Nearwood said who knows they may surprise us this time

As I was sitting there waiting and talking to some of the people in the chat. Screen popped up and said it is showtime. Not knowing what it would be I was a little curious. So I sat there and wait until the show began. And then all of a sudden the camera turned on facing the cage. And something in the cage. It looked like a man but he was filthy and his whole body was was covered in assistance that looks like dried blood. And then out of the shadows popped out another man.

The other man outside the cage was covered in a black mask so his identity would not be discovered. As he emerged from the shadows. He had a metal rod in his hand and started beating the cage but the man inside. The masked man started to yell at the caged prisoner. And said are you hungry today. So the cage man nodded his head yes. So the mask man brought out a box and inside was a live rabbit. And the man continued to say here is your dinner you worthless piece of shit. As he put the frightened animal in a cage with a man. He grabbed the rabbit started cuddling the rabbit at first. And then next I saw something that almost made me puke. Hell it did make me puke as the man was through cuddling the rabbit.

He started to sink his teeth into the rabbits neck started to rip its throat out. You can hear the poor thing squealing and screaming in pain. As the wild man continued to devour the poor thing. Its intestines were outside it's bloodsoaked for. And as the man continued to chomp and devour. Screaming just stopped in an instant. And all that was left piles of flesh and bone ripped open. At this point I almost lost my fucking mind. And thought to myself why didn't I fucking Lookaway. And then it just got worse the mask figure. Told the caged monster of a man are you still hungry you little piece of worthless trash.

And the caged man shook his head yes once again. So the mass figure brought out something a lot bigger. And a lot more disturbing it was a child a human child mind you. At this point I was freaking the fuck out. And what I saw next will haunt me for the rest of my life. He stuck the child in the cage with the man and as the bloodsoaked man looked at the small child. The man began to cry. As he was trying to say he was sorry for the things he was about to do. The mask figure handed the guy a knife

And as the man grabbed a knife. He started stabbing the child multiple times. You can still hear the screams. Screams of the poor child I still cannot believe what I was witnessing. And what I have seen. As I was paying more attention to the screen the child continued to scream in pain and agony. And the mask figure started to say shut that fucking kid up. So the man in the cage whispers something into the kids ear. And then he snapped the child neck. And then continued to devour the child. This blood and intestines spill out of the child's dead corpse. And then what seemed like a lifetime. The mask figure walked up to the camera. And he said I hope you enjoyed the show ladies and gentlemen. But Staterre next time. For we always have something special for that special person

And then the screen went away. And I heard people in the chat room talking about it how beautiful it was. How the form of the butchering became. And then the PM box popped up. And to my surprise. It was the mask man. He asked me did I enjoy the show. And then without hesitation. I told him yes I did and I want more. And then he replied good there will be more. As he said that with a smiley face at the end. After our short conversation I got off of that chat. And started looking for more. I know what you are thinking. But I cannot help myself once you see something you'll be mortified at first. But at the end of it all there's really no escape. From the deep web and what's in store for you. And who knows maybe you would like it just like I did. So that's all I have to say for now. And oh PS happy hunting on the deep web

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