Story 35

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                              The calico cat returns

Hello my name is Johnny and I am a researcher. I am doing research on a village a village that was thriving with life. But strangely the villagers have all disappeared or died. So I am going to that of been Village and tried to find what happened. As I made my way to the abandoned place. I stumbled across a few outsiders who warned me not to go. They told me there is a great evil that lurks in that village a evil that cannot be stopped. No matter how hard the person tries or no matter how person attempts to stop it. They just wind up like the others never seen without a trace again.

But as always I did not listen to their yammering. Just chalked it up to superstition you know how these old folks are. Surrounded by superstition and talks of a curse but I come to find out soon. It's not bullshit what they said was true. They said it is soon as you walk into the place you are already marked for death. Because there is a beast that lurks in the shadows. A beast that takes a form of a cat I know how silly that may seem. But I kid you not I'm here to tell you monsters and demons are real. And I did not believe in monsters until I set my eyes on that damn cat. The creature that looks so harmless but so deadly

But I digress and get ahead of myself sometimes. As me and my fellow colleagues proceeded into the little town. And that's when I felt icy cold chill run down my spine. And new immediately something was terribly wrong. So me and my team set up camp outside of the village. And settle down for the night that night by the campfire we heard a Yuri sound that will make a grown man press him self. Sounded like a scream something that we had never heard before. And that's when we saw it a cat a calico if I was mistaken. One of my colleagues saw the cat we will call him Steve as Steve walked towards the cat to try to catch it. Something terrible happened Steve drop dead I mean he actually fell to the ground dead. It appears that he had a heart attack but that was hard to believe considering Steve was a healthy man. And had a physical before we left and they could not find nothing wrong with him. I began to get worried at this point

Thinking that the legends of this town could be true. As I was pondering this as I was completely freaked out of my mind. Reality setback yet I tell myself this has to be a coincidence. Just had to be a urban legend. Until my next friend and colleague William said maybe we should separate. I was highly against it considering what happened to Steve. But William was a stubborn bastard and there is no use of convincing him. So I agreed which is separate at least for a little while. As we separated not only for a a few minutes or so. I was halfway down the block but I heard William screaming bloody murder. As I run towards the screaming it was way too late William dead. He was laying on the ground eyes scratched out and his tongue was ripped out of his mouth. And if that wasn't enough I saw this thing that killed him that damn cat was sitting on William's chest licking the blood from his Paul's. I just saw this and began to get sick and almost puked of the horrible site. And I realize I left another friend Sharon she was left behind at camp. She was left to keep guard and make sure nothing disturbed our equipment. As I ran towards camp screaming got louder. Followed by another scream that apparently was not Human

As I finally got to camp I was late again poor Sharon was dead as well. But this time she died even horrible type of death. Her stomach was ripped open exposing her intestines. Her face was badly scratched up. Scratches so deep her beautiful face was unrecognizable. And what made matters worse somehow that damn creature. Managed to string her by her intestines and hang her from the tree. As the rest of her organs spill out allover the ground. While a perfect circle of blood surrounded her. And right there watching was that cat that horrible beast was just sitting there watching her hanging. As a set there and looked at the creature I can almost see you smile please of what it done. Horrified and disgusted I gathered up what I could. And left immediately as I got into my car it wouldn't start the damn thing would not start. Frightened out of my mind I want to go check it out that damn thing ripped the wires out. The motor was beyond repair how this damn thing ripped a motor shreds. I'll never fucking know.

I try to hide until morning and try to make my escape. But I cannot that thing is watching me now it hasn't killed me yet. I think it's just toying with me playing a sick game of cat and mouse and I was the mouse. I barricaded the door in a little house that I found outside the village. Hoping that it wouldn't find me but it did. And as I speak right now is sitting outside the door scratching screaming. At this point I'm beyond frightened I'm absolutely terrified. Oh God I heard the window shutter it's in the house for the love of mother of God. It's looking at me right now with its evil glowing eyes. I started to yell why in the hell are you doing this. And I heard a voice in my mind it said because I love killing. I have no reason not to kill is just too much fun to resist watching you humans struggle as I kill every last one of you

And the beast continued to say to me. You can pray to God all you want but here I am God. And I say people should die worthless humans it said. As he continued to speak to me I cannot comprehend what I was hearing all I know is this thing had to die. That is if it can die and told me you cannot kill me I am not of this world. Where I am from I am king I am the supreme demon. But you humans know me as Satan. Once I heard this I had to escape now so I bust through the door without opening it. Try to make it to the outskirts of town maybe where I can be safe. But I tripped and broke my leg I cannot move. I see a pair of eyes glowing in the distance it found me. Then I heard his voice one last time you thought you can get away from me you thought wrong. I'm going to take very special care of you and my time while I slowly rip your throat out. Well this is the last time that you will hear from me.

And before I die I believe you with a warning stay away from this town. Don't even come near it or you will be its next victim. With that being said I give you a final farewell. My only regret is I never told my family that I love them oh how I wish I would now. He's here now he's licking his lips. And retracting his claws goodbye cruel world your friend. Johnny

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