Story 47

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                                   The monsters curse

The story I'm about to tell you. Happened to me when I was a young man. If I haven't witnessed it myself I would think I was crazy to. The year was 1842 and I had turned 18. Me and my family was headed out west. For us to start a new life but far as anyone knew. Our journey to a new place would wind up to be something out of hell. As we traveled from the north to go down west. Winter hit very hard and me and my family had to seek shelter

We sought out shelter by a nearby abandoned cabin. As we finally settled then it was my job to seek out firewood. So we would not freeze during the cold winter months. And as for me being the oldest of five family. It was my job to seek firewood and food for my family. Well me and my younger brother. As my family was trying to keep warm as me and my younger brother went to search out firewood. And me skilled with a bow to search for food as well. Even though we were able to find wood for the fire

We were unable to find any animals for food. Considering it was cold that year and no animals were scarce. And we were slowly running out of supplies. And when I thought things cannot get worse huge blizzard hit the old cabin that we found refuge in. As the blizzard gotten worse. We were stuck with no chance of surviving. With me and my younger brother little sister and mother is sick father. We were desperate knowing that we will be out of food and water. Trapped in this wooden hell

We all knew what we had to do. In order to survive if worse came to worse. We had to eat each other it wasn't until later I found out that option. Would be the most horrible mistake any of us would ever make. Now with supplies gone and we are hungry and there's no options for us to do. One by one my family started dropping like flies. And little by little we were not far behind one another. That's when my little brother started to snap. He got this look in his eyes

Such a horrible look that a person should never have in their eyes. And then he told me she was so hungry. And that's when he kneeled over the course of our dead father. Starting ripping through the flesh blood and intestines everywhere. As he filled his mouth with the organs of our dead father. Scarfing down every piece of raw meat. Like a wild animal in a cage I knew this was the beginning of a horrible nightmare. As I sat there and watch my brother devour our dead father. I noticed my brother begin to change

From this sweet child to this terrible horrible monster. As he finally finished devouring our father. With blood cake on his lips and raw flesh and his fingernails. He looked at me and told me I'm still hungry big brother. And that's when he started to go crazy later that night. But the chaos did not begin until after everyone had went to sleep. And that's when I awoke to screaming. Such a terrifying sound

As I came to out of the sleepy haze. I noticed my little brother kneeling over our mother. As she was clutching her throat as blood poured from it. As it looked like some animal had ripped it out. But it was no animal it was my baby brother. Horrified of what I have seen. I had to restring my brother keep him from killing anyone else that's still alive. As my brother struggled through the ropes that I had tied him with. He started to yell and scream. In this demonic tone yelling out the words that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The words that he said was I must feed I must devour. I'm still hungry. Hearing this I was absolutely mortified

And I had to keep him from killing our youngest of siblings. Considering he already killed our mother and father. But that night as everything has settled down so far. That silence had been broken once again. As I was watching my brother keeping watch on his movements. Make sure he did not do anything stupid. And that's when I let my guard down just once. I dozed off for about a second. And that's when I noticed the ropes were cut. And the floor fresh blood. And that's when I noticed the cabin door. Was busted open. By a mysterious strong force unlike my little brother

As I hear out the gaping hole where the door used to be. Solid trail of bloody footprints. So I knew what I had to do next I had to hunt down my own brother. Before he find someone else to kill. But the find out he already has killed again. Our baby sister such a horrible site I have witnessed. Worse than our mother and father. Our little sister's head has been crushed open. Her eyes ripped out of her socket. Her small intestines ripped doubt and wrapped around her neck like a noose. The site was so horrible I nearly vomit at the site of it. After cutting my sister down from a tree after being placed there by my brother. I continued my search for him. When I found him what I didn't see was my brother anymore. But instead I saw a monster creature standing before me. With sharp fangs and glowing red eyes. And the parents that looked similar to a dear.

So that's when I knew I had to do what had to be done. I took my muzzleloader in new only had one chance. I had to take the shot at my used to be a little brother. As I was getting closer to make the shot. The creature that stood before me wiping the tears from my eyes. I lined up the shot. And in cold baited breath. The last words that I said to my brother. Was I am sorry and I will always love you. As seconds turned ours I felt the primer hit. And the flash of the gunpowder. And that's when I knew I hit the creature. Point blank right in the heart. And that's when I knew the nightmare is finally over

When the storm finally passed. I had to bury what was left of my family. And dispose of the carcass of the creature that once was my brother. As all was said and done I finally had to leave that old cabin. Right after I had to burn it to the ground not leaving any evidence of what happened that horrible night. With nothing for me left to do. I packed up my remaining things and hit the trail. After many miles of walking finally came across a town. Where I finally found a job. And the house and settle down with the wife and kids of my own. To this very day I still tell the story of my experience the cold winter night. Hoping the same hellish nightmare does not fall upon my family. After years of that happening. I finally knew the truth behind that creature

I happen to tell the story. To a wise old Indian when he heard my story. He shook his head. And told me you are very lucky man and I asked him what did he mean by that. He said you had survived one of the most horrible legends of my people. The creature that you face. Was the monster based off of cannibalism. The creature known as the Windego the old man also told me several cases of the Windego. Back in his village where he grew up. Of course he only heard stories. But never heard one such as mine. And he asked me for a man your age at the time. I'm sure it was terrifying. I looked at him and smiled and said. Terrified is not the word for it. More on the lines of Shir hell.

That I will never witnessed in my entire life again. So my warning to all. If you travel with your family make sure you have plenty of supplies. Because if you run out you your self. Become or come face-to-face . With the Windego a demon straight from the Devils pitch

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