Story 34

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The birth take

My many years of being a doctor. I have never seen such a strange case. Healthy pregnant women all have miscarriages in less than one week. But that's not the strange part most of the women. Who were carrying children six and I have seen my share of weird things in this hospital. But never like this the fetus was completely gone it looked as it was never there in the beginning. My years as a doctor I have never seen much but until now. It left me other horrified

I just cannot believe all these healthy pregnant women with healthy babies have a miscarriage on the same day. I was shocked in my profession I have never seen such a phenomenon. So I decided to investigate and do research and a whole Lotta digging. It took me a lot to find what I have found. But I bet you will be as shocked as I am. Hell shocked is not the word for it absolutely horrifying is what I put is the word I would put on it. But anyway before I get ahead of myself I'll tell you what I have found after your long hours. I stumbled on a book with the towns previous urban legends. And one urban legend caught my attention.

The one story that I came across was about a creature. Called the taker taker is a story about this monster. That takes but it doesn't just take anything take your unborn child. It will take it and eat it and it's supposed to give it ever lasting life. I know it sounds like other bullshit. Well I will tell you what is bullshit that this creature actually fucking existed. I know it sounds strange especially coming from a medical professional. Hell if I didn't believe it myself I would put myself in institution. But yes monster does exist and you want to know how I know. Because I saw one they are no bigger than a child themselves. They had grayish pale skin kind of a purple tent to them. And they're ugly hideous abominations. And they got reptile like eyes in enormous sharp teeth. And they are quick and if I hadn't turned my head and last moment I would've missed it. But horrified to say that I caught it while it was feeding

Such a horrible site I almost vomited at the site of it. Those short teams ripping through the fetus tissue. And those chomping sound just like when a dog chews on a piece of meat. And I should not forget the smell. The damn thing after eating so many unborn it was beginning to smell like a rotting flesh that it devours. And they showed no signs of stopping. Sometimes I wonder if there truly is a God. Why would he allow such a monster to exist. And then asking the same question over and over. Still no answer and I still pray to this day but it seems like praying doesn't work anymore. It just seems more more useless when I do it praying to God is like a broken telephone. You can hear them but they cannot hear you. So each and every day I deal with this monster the less and less I begin to receive help from God. But maybe one day he will hear me and take this monster back to hell where it belongs

It's been years now and sightings of this monster. Became less and less until it just disappeared. But in time to time a woman will have a miscarriage. Seems like that creature reduced itself to one each time. And in those years I got married to the woman I love and she loves me. This will be our fifth year anniversary that we were together. And she told me the great news she was pregnant. I was so happy I cry and when I stop crying tears of joy. I knew what I had to do next to keep that some of the bitch of Satan's spawn. I had kill that thing once and for all. So I waited so it's just saying wanted to get to my baby. It has to go through me first and a 12 gauge shotgun. Each and every night I waited for this thing to show up. But each and every night it did not show. I waited and waited but nothing until I let my guard down just once. My wife was headed to the doctor a fellow colleague of mine. To make sure the baby was healthy I tried to convince my wife baby was fine considering I study the same profession. But my wife was stubborn.

And she wanted a second opinion. So on her way to the office she went to see the doctor. She was in a terrible accident a passing vehicle hit her head on. And I got a call from the hospital telling me I needed to come now. Because my wife was in critical condition and she was fading fast. As I got to the hospital I was too late to say the least. My wife and unborn child were dead. So as I went to say my goodbyes one last time. My friend and colleague pulled me aside and told me I needed to take a look at this. And she showed me I got down on my knees started to laugh. When they did the final x-ray of my wife to check and see if the baby could be saved. There was nothing there was nothing fucking it had won . It was waiting to make its move that's why it did not contact me or my wife those days it was waiting until I got my guard down. After I stopped laughing I came home

I can't take anymore of this madness. So I got a gun to my head because I cannot protect you to people I love. So before I die and to escape this with nothing left on my conscience. But I will leave you with a warning if you have a love one. A pregnant wife or daughter or sister keep watch. Don't let them out of your site one fucking second because once you do it will come. So that's all I have to say and oh one more thing. Good luck because you were going to need it. To protect them from the taker

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