Ch. 3 - Questions Left Unanswered

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We walked amongst the rows of grape vines and apple trees that were growing on the mountain. As we walked, we talked about my work and his tour - but nothing else. We weren't talking about what either of us really wanted to talk about.

"You look beautiful, I hope you know that." He was so quiet, he was nearly whispering.

"Thank you Niall, you aren't so bad yourself." I giggled but was trying desperately to lighten the mood. "So aside from tour stuff, how are you enjoying your trip?" My tone must've given away my nervousness.

He just looked at me and shook his head. He smiled at first, but then he became serious, his smile fading. "I remember last year, you know." His tone had changed, it was almost sad now, as if longing for a memory.

"Oh?" I questioned softy, looking up at the sky. "What about it?"

"I remember that you had a boyfriend but that we had this incredible chemistry. I wanted to kiss you then and I still do now." Niall was looking at me directly in the eyes as if he could see my soul. "So, has anything changed?"

"Yes... and no." I turned around as I said the last part, I knew that Dave and I were still together. I didn't love him. Not at all. I wasn't quite sure how to explain that part to Niall. Maybe if...

"Hollis." I turned around, it felt strange for Niall to call me by my given name. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Please explain, I need to know."

"I'm afraid of what will happen if I do. I've tried to think if us as friends - just friends. Niall you are so much younger than I am. And that is the least complicated part of everything.... I just can't explain. It's easier... saner." I was almost hyperventilating at this point. My words were extremely fast. "I tell everyone - mostly myself - that we're just friends. But I...I I've dreamt about you." I began to cry as I spoke. "In all honesty, I've been worried for the past year that I created everything in my head."

"Are you still with that guy?" He asked staring at the ground. "Please be honest."

I took a deep breath and looked at him. "I am still with Dave." Niall started to walk away and I yelled, "You need to hear this part." Niall stopped but didn't turn around.

I started to speak again. "I don't love him anymore. I don't know when that happened, but he is just not who I think about or who I crave anymore." The voice in my head was screaming, 'it's you - you Irish fool.'

"Are you breaking up with him?" Niall said still look at the horizon.

"Yes. I just have to find a place to go." I sat down on the ground, defeated. "I did not want to have this conversation with anyone, specifically with you, Niall. I'm sorry."

Niall finally turned around and walked towards me. "Why, love?" His hand stroked my tear stained cheek.

I didn't say anything, but rather kept shaking my head back and forth.

"You have my cell number right, love?" His words snapped me out of my daze.

"No." I shook my head. "When I fell in that lake I lost all of my contacts."

He laughed and shook his head, "wish I'd been there to see that," he said. He offered me his hand and I got up off the warm ground.

"No you don't, I almost died. I turned around and sighed, remembering the day four months ago. I felt Niall's arms wrap around me.

As we were standing together, Niall reached for my phone inside of my back pocket. I allowed him to retrieve it. He added his number to my contacts and then handed it back casually. "There."

"There?" I asked.

"Yes, you can reach me whenever you need me with that number," he said seriously. I nodded my head thankfully.

"Niall?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, Hol."

"Is there a reason your bus is driving down the mountain?" I giggled as I said the words.

"Oh shit." He yelled. "I have to call Harry or Liam or maybe even Paul." He ferociously texted and then called the boys. It turned out that everyone thought Niall was asleep in his bunk, which caused alot of laughing at Niall's expense.

Niall gave me a hug and said he would be in touch, but I just smiled, slightly dazed. As the bus drove away I thought to myself, 'what just happened?' But quickly shook those thoughts off as my producer approached.

"Great interview, Hollie! Just wanted to let you know that we're running it on loop tonight at 6:00." He was very enthusiastic as he spoke, I however was lost in my own world.

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