Ch. 17 - Liam & A Letter

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It was three in the morning and I'd checked four times. Niall was asleep. I took all of my suitcases to the front door and left a note on the kitchen counter.

As I opened the door, I hoped that I wasn't ruining everything, but Niall obviously couldn't handle me right now. My bags were heavy, but I quietly pulled them out the door and closed it behind me.

Breathing a small sigh of relief, I pulled out my mobile phone and clicked on the name of one of the few people I knew in London.

The phone rang twice and a groggy voice answered, saying "Uhh hello?"

"Liam, it's Hollie. I need your help."

---------- Liam's POV ----------

When I got the phone call, I was massively confused. I hadn't seen or heard from she or Niall since we left Heathrow the day before, so I assumed everything was fine. She just seemed so upset and kept insisting that I not tell Nialler she'd called me.

I'm startled from my thoughts by Hollie walking into my kitchen. I've made her a mug of hot chocolate, as she doesn't enjoy tea. (How sacrilegious?!) Gladly accepting the mug, Hollie smiles at me.

"So, dear. Want to explain the half three phone call?" I ask with an expectant look on my face.

At first she doesn't look at me. But after taking several sips of her drink, Hollie begins to talk. "I found him last night in his bathroom surrounded by broken things. Then he told me he was scared of hurting me, scared of loving me. He even said he was scared of me, Liam." She was tearing up, what a clueless arse Niall is.

"Hol, I doubt he's scared of you. He probably just doesn't want to hurt you like Dave did. Ni is very sensitive, believe it or not. He was probably overwhelmed." I tried to smile reassuringly at her.

She continued on with her story. "I played a song on my guitar for Louis last night and I think Niall was listening in. Liam, the song was about him. About Niall, I mean. I think that started this whole episode."

I nodded, understanding. "What was it about?"

"About the first time we met. How I felt something and I let him go and I was stupid because I couldn't say the words I needed to..." She smiled as though lost in a memory.

I cleared my throat. "Well, what do you want to do? Let's make a plan..." I winked at her.

She smiled at me. "Liam, of course I want to be with him. The day we met changed my life. It's Niall that needs convincing apparently."

I sat quietly for a moment. "Well, he's certainly going to be upset when he finds out you're staying with me. You did tell him that, right?"

Sheepishly, Hollie avoided my gaze. "Actually, I left a note that said he shouldn't try to find me. And I brought all of my stuff."

I chuckled. "Well get ready Hols. Jealous Niall is like a hurricane and you may well have just set this one into motion. Regardless of the note, he will probably show up here sooner rather than later."

---------- Niall's POV ----------

The sunshine streamed into my room and I squirmed at its unwelcome presence. My mind began to remember the awful dream I'd had. I kept visualizing some type of argument with Hollie, and she had tears in her eyes. As I sat up I saw my bathroom lights were on, but I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the kitchen. Hunger is something that most be quenched quickly.

As I approached the refrigerator, I noticed a card with my name on it. Smiling, I opened it and began to read the script handwriting.

Dear Niall,

I am writing this in shock from the words that were spoken last night. You have every right to your feelings and fears, I respect them and you. But you should know that my life changed that day in June of last year. You became my hope, the focus of my dreams. Now, however, my heart is broken after hearing the words "I am scared of you." I am sorry you feel that way. Even after the darkness of my past, I am not afraid to love, but I won't complicate your life any longer, Niall. Don't try to find me, I've gone away.


My hands shook as I read the letter for the third time. I ran to the guest room taking the stairs two at a time. The door was open and Hollie's belongings were gone.

Still shaking, my fingers dialed my most responsible mate. I knew he would both calm me down and help me make sense of this horrible mess.

"Hello, Niall! What's going on?" He said.

"L-liam..... I need help. She's gone and it's my fault."

There was inaudible mumbling on the other end of the phone line.


"Sorry, 'bout that mate. Can I come over there? Cleaning lady is working here."

"Sure, mate. See ya quick." I said sadly.

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