Ch. 11 - Same Page

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My eyes fluttered open and I saw the sunlight streaming into the hotel room. As I grudgingly sat up to check my phone, I realized that I hadn't been alone in bed.

"Oh crap!" I whisper-shouted. Why was Harry in bed with me? I moved away from the bed and took my phone with me to the couch. My brain was screaming at me to deal with at least one of the situations in my life, but because I was saving them all for late the texts continued to roll in. Dave, Paige, Louis and Niall had sent an unnecessary amount of messages. But before I could read any of them there was a knock on my door. I panicked. The first thing that I could think to do was to shake Harry, so we wouldn't look suspicious.

"Harry, wake up, there's someone at the door." I said forcefully.

"What?" He said, his eyes full of sleep.

"I said sit up now. Go over and sit on the couch, there's someone at the door." I helped him to walk his new seat before fixing the bed sheets. As I walked to the door, took a deep breath. When I opened it Niall and Louis were standing on the other side.

"Hello. Please come in." I said formally. Both of them walked in but froze when they saw Harry dozing off on the couch. Niall looked at me incredulously, why Louis had a smirk on his face.

"Stop. Harry was the only one to see how broken up I was after you walked out last night." I said poking a finger into Niall's shoulder. His eyes blazed with an emotion that I couldn't read.

"So let me get this straight, you wouldn't do more than kiss me but you slept with him?" He yelled. I was beyond angry at the accusation but I didn't want to fight with Niall. "Well? Are you going to answer me or should I assume that you're just a slut that was using me?"

I slapped him hard across his face and walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

The noise must've woken Harry, because I heard Louis talking with him while Niall made comments here and there. I couldn't believe what had happened. Had I done something wrong? Why was I even here? My thoughts were interrupted by knocking on the bathroom door, and Harry asking me to come into the bedroom. Without thinking I stood up, opened the door and walked into the room. What I wasn't expecting was for everyone to still be there.

Harry cleared his throat and began talking. "Now Niall, I think you have the impression that something has happened here." He motioned between himself and me. Niall just glared at everyone.

I shook my head as I spoke, "Really?! I just met most of you. I've only ever had sex with one person.... and it wasn't Harry!" I couldn't help but glare back at Niall.

Harry interjected, "But I do know important information about kiss-"

"What the hell, man! You kissed her?" Niall was standing up now, looking down at Harry who was still on the couch.

I groaned. "No. He did not. And I can't believe you'd throw around all these accusations, either! Last night, when Harry came back in here, were played twenty questions-"

"Well, only five." Harry said, matter of factly.

"Yeah, whatever, five questions, and one was the number of people I'd kissed." I looked at Niall, "Alright?"

Niall was sitting down again, quiet, and he appeared to be taking it all in. Finally, he spoke. "So how many is it?"

"Ughhhhhhh." I groaned. "Fine, six boys - including you. And two girls."

"Ok, that's not too bad." He said. Niall finally smiled. All of a sudden his smile faded. "Girls?"

"University, beer, etc." I said with a wicked smirk. "You should also know that Harry didn't sleep on the couch, but there wasn't any cuddling." I saw both Niall and Louis breathe deeply and exchange glances. "Louis, Harry can you leave please? I need to speak with Niall privately." Both guys smiled and walked out of the room, quietly closing the heavy door.

I made certain that I was facing Niall, and started my semi-prepared statement. "Ok, so I hope you remember everything I told you last night." He nodded. I continued. "Good. I do have feelings for you, Niall. But I also need to know how you feel, because I'm not going to waste my time if don't care. I can go hide from Dave somewhere else."

I must have stunned him because he isn't saying anything. "Niall?" I say, nudging him.

"Oh... Just thinking, sorry." I smiled meekly. "Hollis, if I didn't have an attraction to you I never would've come back into that interview room last year. I never would've contacted you again and again on twitter. Hol, I compare every face I see to yours. I haven't even dated since I met you."

I finally felt at peace. "So, why've you been so angry and just not around since I got here?" Continuing my thought, I added, "Niall, I would've rather spent my time with you last night."

"Can't you see it, Hollie? At first I felt extremely guilty that you were in this position and last night it was everything - anger, sadness, lust... you get the idea. But this morning, I just felt jealous."

"Oh Niall, I'm sorry that you've been dealing with this alone." I hugged him. "Can we start over? Try to make this into something?"

Niall kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me. He whispered, "of course, love" as I smiled bashfully.

We sat embracing for perfect few minutes just holding one another. Our only reason for pulling apart was the urgent buzzing of my phone. As I grabbed it and pressed answer, I heard Paige's voice.

"Hollie? Hollie?" She kept repeating.

"Slow down! I'm here." I tried to soothe her.

Paige just kept hyperventilating. When she finally caught her breath, she abruptly said, "Dave is super pissed. Scary pissed. Hollie, he knows where you are and he's coming to find you."

I dropped my phone on the floor and turned to Niall. My expression must've scared him because he jumped up and embraced me. "What happened? What's wrong, Hollie?" Niall pleaded.

"Dave found me. He's coming here."

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