Tips and Tricks: Amulet Making

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To make an amulet, begin with a piece of cloth or leather, about 8 inches in diameter. If you're the rustic type, a section of burlap will do. For the romantic, a square of velvet or satin. It matters not what type of cloth, what matters is intention.

To this cloth you can add a few herbs, rosemary for memory, sage for wisdom, fennel for protection, choose a few of your favorite herbs and add a sprig or two. Next, add a colorful stone, maybe a coin from the year you were born, feather of a dove for peace, a poem you wrote for yourself or a loved one. An acorn to remind you that even though the acorn is small, it grows into a mighty tree. The oak tree is the most sacred of trees and he is royal. You may want to add a small branch from a willow tree, which bends so easily, that you may lean into a whirlwind and not break. All these items are appropriate if they match your intention.

Every part of an amulet has significance symbolically: colors, cords or ribbon, and the ingredients contained within. Some herbalists/wise women/medicine women, add everything all at once, state their intention and tie up the cloth and the contents. Then repeat this verse three times:

" I charge this amulet, by three times three, to do harm to none, nor return to me. As my will, so mote it be."

Once the amulet is made and tied up with ribbon or cord, it should never be opened again. It has a sole magical purpose, and once that purpose is manifested, it is finished.

This amulet can make an excellent house blessing. Hang it in a tree or place it somewhere high up on your property. Replace it once a year on the summer solstice. Bury the old amulet without looking inside.

Careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

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