Deities: Offering Ideas

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Here are some food and drink offerings that I have found work for me!

I have started to, at least once a month, sit down and make a cup of tea or coffee for myself and another smaller mug of the following drink orders for whichever deity I am going to be working with or just want to sit and chill/chat with. To figure all of these out, I used my pendulum and asked questions to each and recorded their preferences!

Zeus: Hot coffee, strong brew of regular breakfast coffee, black

Hera: Green or Herbal iced tea, weaker brew, lots of sugar

Poseidon: Iced coffee, strong brew regular breakfast coffee, a little bit of sugar

Apollo: Hot flavored coffee (blueberry is a good one), strong brew, a little milk and lots of sugar

Artemis, Athena, Demeter, and Hephaestus: bottled water

Ares: blue Gatorade

Hermes: hot flavored coffee (caramel is a good one), weaker brew, little sugar and creamer

Aphrodite: Hot tea (preference of herbals), lots of sugar 

Dionysus: hot black tea, lots of sugar

Hades: Iced coffee, weaker brew regular breakfast coffee, black

Persephone: hot herbal tea, lots of sugar or honey

Hestia: Iced coffee, strong brew regular breakfast coffee, lots of creamer and a little sugar

Hekate: Hot black or herbal tea (prefers herbal), little sugar

All of them accept almonds as a snack offering, I usually leave them on my altar as they last for a long time.

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