Recipe: Flower Butter

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Flower butter is an incredibly simple way to incorporate fresh flowers and herbs into your kitchen, and looks super impressive when paired with fresh bread or scones. You can make as many variations to this as you have edible plants on hand!

Basic flower butter proportions:

One cup fresh, organic edible flower petals or herbs, unpacked

½ cup (a stick) room temperature butter

½ tsp or a drizzle of lemon juice (to prevent flowers browning)

Chop petals or herbs finely and drizzle with lemon juice; mix into butter. Simple as that! I recommend pouring in a few spoonfuls of honey to taste if you're using flowers.

Some variations to try include...

LUCK BUTTER: A savory green herb butter for good fortune! Use basil (to bring luck) and chive stalks and/or blossoms (to drive ill energy away). Add a little mint to taste, and salt the butter to your preference, using a salt that has meaning to you if possible (sea salt for oceanic prosperity and protection, etc). Stir clockwise and focus on the upturns in life you hope to see. All these ingredients also can be found in money spells, so tweak proportions and intent if you'd like to see this butter result in cash instead!

LOVE BUTTER: A sweet way to butter up a lover or crush and encourage good vibes. Or for self-love, as this is great way to spoil yourself! Combine rose petals and several chopped strawberries into a fragrant jam, then mix thoroughly with butter and honey. Whisper something personal into the bowl that you'd like your love to hear—it can be as sweet or as saucy as you like—and picture the intent infusing the mixture, ready to carry your message to whoever enjoys your tasty treat!

PROTECTION BUTTER: Because sometimes you have to eat your stress and worry away. Clear yourself of bad vibes with this cleansing, spicy concoction. Roast garlic in the oven and chop finely; combine with ground black pepper, black salt (if you can get it). To those protective ingredients, add several finely chopped nasturtium blossoms—peppery and fierce, they represent victory and conquest. Combine stirring counterclockwise, picturing a blaze of protective fire and energy springing to life in the bowl. Focus again on this image as you eat, knowing the flames will burn out the negative energies that have been plaguing you.

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