Tips and Tricks: Aura/Space Cleansing spray

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What you need:

2, 4 ounce glass or metal spray bottles

8 ounces of very warm, but not hot purified or distilled water

1 Tablespoon alcohol (unflavored vodka) or witch hazel, to preserve

1 Tablespoon sea salt

1 Tablespoon dried rosemary or 1 sprig of fresh rosemary

1 Tablespoon dried sage leaf or 2-3 fresh sage leaves

Pinch of dried basil or 1-2 fresh basil leaves

1 teaspoon dried lavender or small spring of fresh lavender

1 teaspoon dried rose petals

4 drops essential oils

3 cloves

◊ Steep all ingredients in the warm, distilled or purified water for 20 minutes. Stir.

◊ Line a sieve with a piece of cheesecloth or a paper towel and place it over a bowl. Pour the mixture through to strain and let it drain into the bowl.

◊ Pour into the spray bottles and place the lids on them. Label them.

◊ If you like, place several crystals around the bottles for a few hours so that the spray becomes charged with the added energy of the crystals.

◊ Shake well before using each time.  

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