Tips and Tricks: Magical Creatures

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 Fae love children. (Not for eating. Usually. But they love children, and sometimes their ideas of ownership are, uh, not the same as ours. Bells in nurseries are not unwise.)

Ghouls have beautiful eyes that shine like gems in the darkness. You are not their food, but if they think you're taking their food, keep in mind that they dwell in packs. Hope you run faster than they do, and that the cemetery you invaded has iron or steel fencing. Sometimes, however, some *extremely* fast apologizing means you won't have to run. Much.

The older the cemetery, the more likely it is to feel like an extremely peaceful place. This is not by chance.

If the old cemetery feels like it's staring at you even in broad daylight, find another place to hang. Ghouls protect what is theirs. If there is no protection in place, things far more worriesome move in, and they are probably hungry.

I don't care if you think you're just dealing with a ghost. Giving unknown entities permission to use your body or energy is A STUPID FUCKING IDEA. Don't do it.

Hearing someone call your name when no one is there is not a bad thing, even if you answer.

Hearing someone call your name and then tell you to do things? That is where the bad part comes in. Say no and tell the thing to fuck off. It's your living space; you have the authority to do so and they don't.

Waking up to the sensation of something holding you down is annoying; it's only a fear tactic. Roll your eyes and go back to sleep. Stupid shit will be gone when you wake up again.

If your dreams are repeating themselves, either exactly the same or by the exact same subject matter, someone is trying to tell you something, or they are trying to teach you something. Pay attention. This also applies to nightmares. There is more than one way to learn an important lesson.

Symbols only work if you're using them on yourself. To use them against another, especially another of a differing faith/religion, is a grave insult. 

If you walk through any place that feels peaceful and suddenly realize that you now hold something in your hand, stop and investigate it. Usually it's something explainable, but ask: "Is this meant to be mine?" If it disappears, you've gotten an answer. If it does not? Take it home and keep it safe.

Yes, the crows really are making fun of you. They get bored easily.

Yes, your cat really is watching something that you can't see. Unless they're freaked out, it's fine.

If the cat is freaked out, light a candle against the darkness. That saying exists for a reason.

A flashlight or a lightbulb is not a candle. An electrical current is a form of fire, but you want fire that is breathing the air, not trapped behind glass.

Do not be rude or afraid of something just because it doesn't fit your ideals of pretty. Unless it's trying to hurt you, chances are it's just another person trying to go about their business until you started screeching at it.

If you scare the shit out of someone and they run away, apologize, even if all you were doing was sitting there minding your own business. Sometimes they don't expect us any more than we expect them.

Research your family tree on all possible sides as far back as you can. Sometimes it is very important to know where your blood came from.

Sometimes learning where your blood came from makes you start to headtilt because Whut and HOW and WTF WAS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU, WHY.

(Why did lineal descendents of Charlemagne (one line from each kid) all decide to get on a boat in the 1600s, cross the ocean, go straight to a random valley in Kentucky, and stay there? Fucking weirdos.)

Oh, and:


In a house with a jinn and ghosts: 

If you are going to use boiling water to wash the floor, warn ahead

If you come across a lone grave, or an untended one in a graveyard, say a prayer.

Sometimes a person who died suddenly and or violently won't know they are dead. Say a relevant prayer when you pass them.

Jinn and other fair folk might borrow your stuff. If you can't find something, ask loudly but nicely for it. Usually it turns up somewhere you have searched several times before.

Your pets have souls - and ghosts. You might end up with a ghost pet. Be nice to them.

Light up a candle once in a while and talk to your loved ones. They will hear you.

Give out small alms in form of what your loved ones liked, like cigarettes or specific sweets. They will receive the spirit of it.

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